Monday, April 6, 2009


Good god, the last two weeks have been absolute madness. I know there are several blog visitors out there who are not pleased with me taking so long between posts. Rest assured you cyber stalkers, there will be nary an excuse for my delays between postings when I start my new, part-time job in a couple of weeks. Oh yes, that's right: it's sayoonara (spelling: courtesy Wikipedia) MSO, hello Harley-Davidson. Well, House of Harley-Davidson actually, one of the largest dealerships in the world. Check them out here (although don't get too attached to the current web site - updating it tops my to-do list). I'll be their new marketing manager starting April 20. Thanks to all of those out there who helped me make the decision (you know who you are). It's going to be weird leaving the MSO...after all, it was my first job out of school. But it's very much time and I look good in orange so it all worked out.

Meanwhile, we have been able to spend time with lots of our friends lately. I think everyone is so sick of being cooped up we're forcing ourselves to go out and see other people. Two Saturdays ago my dear friend Kathleen came up from Chicago. Last time Kathleen was here I went into labor. No such adventures this time; just a wonderful visit with a little trip to World Market and a chance for her to meet the Squish. Interestingly, Kathleen has her master's degree in linguistics (not the official title but you get the idea) and explained to me the science behind why babies say "dada" so much earlier than "mama". It all made perfect sense but doesn't actually make me feel that much better. Blast!

Squishie turned off the lights at World Market

Last Saturday we had our friends Dan and Erin over for dinner. Erin is about 25 weeks along with their first baby. She's one of those totally cute pregnant women, who's just tiny with this wee round thing - absolutely adorable. They got to see first-hand what the average night is like with a 6 month old, from the diapers to the tub and everything in between. G was putting on quite a show at dinner time, acting like what I was feeding her was poison. What a gem.

Then on Sunday we headed over to our friends Jen & Brian's place for brunch (I know, how popular are we??). They of course have little Ford, who's not so little anymore. At 20 months old not only can Ford recite the alphabet and his numbers, he can identify them. It was shocking! But even a Boy Wonder can be lured in by the power of a good horsie ride:

Giddie up!

Check it out mom!

Something over here is a little ripe

H is for hiking up your pants

The cutest part though was when I asked Ford where the G was. He found it and I asked him where Baby G was. He took the letter over and gave it to her - totally adorable.

Looking fierce again - this time with her prized initial

And to top it all off, I witnessed an actual miracle in the house. After mere years of putzing around, Matt finally finished his bar. Woo hoo! I regret that I did not chronicle the assembly of the top, as it included borrowing Melissa's scrap booking tools and several consecutive weekends of him asking me, "Hey, can we go to Michael's this weekend?". Uh, yikes. But regardless it's now complete. Thanks to Shawn for letting us borrow his fantastic idea of using Brewers cards for the top:

Man Room manliness

Strategically placed can of High Life: check

Inspires you to drink, doesn't it?

Speaking of Shawn and the Brewers, the home opener is this Friday. I am very excited for baseball season to start again, although it would be great to not answer the door to find Shawn sans pants after the opener this year. Just saying.


Our Family said...

First, congrats on the new job! Very exciting. I am impressed with the bar. Our bar is still missing that finishing trim. I promise I will send Shawn with an extra set of clothing this Friday. We definitely do not need a repeat!

Carolyn said...

The man room has come a long way since the TV and a single chair!