Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things We Did This Weekend

Saturday was the most incredible day. Sunny, mid-70's, perfect. Today was your average 30-degree Wisconsin swing though, so I'm glad we took advantage of the good weather. What better way to cure what ails you than some sunshine?

Saving a little lunch on her collar for later

Ralphie is more interesting to look at than the camera

Hey, gimmie that

Stopping to smell the flowers (notice the near perfect fourth position, thankyouverymuch)

Ralphie's new summer crop

Matt looking wackadoo

Helping mom prep dinners for this week

Food, glorious food...


kyle and robin said...

LOVE the hat! we had a great time outside on saturday for today..."rain, rain, go away"

on a side note: what in the world happened to your kitchen table??

Matt and Sarah said...

I know, nice card table, right? Matt has been refinishing the actual kitchen table for (ahem) a while now, but he promises me it will make a triumphant return in the next week or two!

Harms Family Five said...

We are extremely jealous of the flowers that are in bloom at your house. Just so you know, we had snow this weekend. Love it. Send us details on the first day of the new job.

kyle and robin said...

very impressive! will there be any sort of wood bending required? I would so love to see that contraption in your kitchen again :)