Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lots of Firsts

Well miss G has been home for a few days now and we are loving all of the firsts as a new family. It's all the usual fun stuff - first bath, first walk, etc - but started on Wednesday night with the first time she slept through the night. Seriously she slept from about 11-6. I do not lie. My mom and Matt both got a wonderful night's sleep, but I was up every hour making sure she was breathing. We haven't had that since but all signs are pointing to us having a very chill baby on our hands. Unless we're bathing her, in which case we get this:

And a good time was had by all.

Outside of this little adventure she barely cries and doesn't so much as flinch when her big furry brother barks his poodle head off (which is often). Now we're going to work on cheering on the Brewers for their first return to the playoffs. Fortunately one of her 65 onesies is a Brewers outfit. Go Crew!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome Home


It's pretty standard for c-sec patients to stay three to four nights before being sprung from the hospital. I had no intention of staying that long so I hustled out of bed and on my mandatory walks around the floor and after two nights we got the all-clear from my doc and the baby doc to hit the road. I am sore as hell and my feet look less like feet and more like a product from this company, but everything's easier when you're showering in your own bathroom. Tuesday night (our first home) was a bit on the rough side but that's pretty much exactly what we expected. Our furry son got to meet his little sister and he is totally enthralled with her. We're encouraging him to sniff everything and be around all the time and our little plan seems to be working.

Mom and Genevieve are all loaded up ready to go

Genevieve and her big poodle brother

Grandma Martin has been here all week which has been a huge help, especially when it comes to things like doggy walking and runs to Target. Yesterday she went on some kind of nesting rampage and scrubbed the floors in half the house. Normally I would be insulted and/or make fun of her for this weird insistence, but my floors are not likely to be scrubbed by moi anytime soon so who am I to complain?

I won't be so bold as to say that we're in a routine, but we are getting to know our little meatloaf's patterns of eating and sleeping. I realize it was only four days ago, but I already can't believe how much she has changed since being born. There are little surprises every day, for example I am loving the mid-night feedings. I'm totally exhausted, but this little thing is so sweet it makes those quiet times really memorable. Then there are times like this that make me want to burst into tears like some kind of bad Lifetime movie:

I know, killer, right?

Then there's today's Shot of the Day:

Love it!! I'm sure we'll have more after today's big adventure: first bath.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hospital Time

Hi all,
Mama Maio here. Thanks to everyone for the incredibly generous thoughts, calls, texts, postings, etc. I know we'll be able to talk to everyone soon but I had to take a sec and thank you all!

Now, for those who are NOT interested in further labor & delivery details, save yourself some time and skip down to the pics. For those who are, here is a little more of the story.

I knew when I woke up last Saturday that it was going to be labor day. Don't ask how. However my delightful friend Kathleen was planning to come up from Chicago for the morning and then I was going to Matt's baseball game that afternoon, so I decided to stick to the plan and just see how things went. Kathleen and I feasted on quiche and crepes and then spent a little quality time at the spa, and later I played hydration specialist to the Orioles by arriving at the game with enough Gatorade to keep a small army going. This whole time I was experiencing serious back cramps and occasional contractions, but I refrained from calling my doc because I knew they'd order me into the hospital and I had other things to do. But by 4:30 I was really hurting so told him I was a little tired and going home early. Only then did I call the doc who of course said to go in. I called Matt to make sure he was coming straight home but he didn't answer right away, so I called my mom to advise her to get on the road. While talking with her, my water broke and sent my contractions from occasional to HELLO. Matt got home just a few minutes later to find me in the classic 'frozen' position in the middle of a contraction. I wish I had had a camera. We grabbed our bags and hit the road, checking in around 6 p.m. Saturday evening. At that point I was 2 cm and 85% effaced. The nurse asked me if I had brought my birth plan and I told her that my birth plan was "epidural". That lovely lady made my birth plan a reality at about 8:15 and by 8:30 I was happy as a clam...even snoozing a bit. Imagine my surprise at about 10:30 when she checked me and said "Ok, you're 10, let's get ready". All righty then.

As I mentally prepared my acceptance speech for posting the land speed record for a first time labor, the doc came in and announced that Genevieve was face up and that would require some "serious work" on my part. Hey, no prob. I do Pilates.

Two and a half hours later she came in and told us that not only was baby sunny side-up but she was also turning her head, making it essentially impossible to deliver her. Our choices were vacuum to try to flip her around, or c-section. At this point the epidural had worn off so while neither sounded appealing we figured we'd give the vacuum a go and try to avoid surgery. One busted vacuum later it was clear that c-section was the only choice. DAMN. My hero the anesthesiologist arrived to re-pump up the goods and off we went. Fast forward to 2:59 a.m. and Genevieve finally made her debut.

My words of wisdom to anyone thinking of getting pregnant or about to have a baby: the anesthesiologist is your friend; and eat something before you go in. Ice chips only go so far.

Anyhoo everyone is doing very well and healing as quickly as possible. We can't wait to introduce our little thing to everyone. Can you believe my pasty self has a child with this gorgeous dark skin??

Meanwhile here are a few more pics of the proud grandparents.

Grandpa Peter getting his first look

Grandma Martin and the wee bundle

Three generations of Maios

Lots more pics to come in the next few days!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Je m'appelle Genevieve

Hi everyone. Please help us welcome into the world little Genevieve Gabriella Maio. She was born on Sept 21 at 2:59am. Sarah pushed for several hours like a champ trying to get her out, but alas her head was too big. About 2:30 in the morning Sarah was wheeled back for a c-section. I am very proud of Sarah and Genevieve, they both did a great job. There are many more tales to tell, but Dad has to get back to the hospital soon. Here are a few pictures for everyone to take look at.

Thanks again to everyone for your well wishes. Sarah and I both feel that Genevieve will be surrounded by great people who care deeply for her. Thanks again.

Matt showing off his hospital 'Dad Pass'

Sarah looking cool, calm, and collected during labor

Genevieve moments after birth in the recovery room

Showing off a great baby haircut

Mom and Genevieve finally able to get some rest

Sunday, September 14, 2008

39 weeks - yep, still pregnant

A lot of things did not happen this weekend that we thought might. Due to hurricane Ike both of Matt's playoff games were cancelled so there was no baseball. And although we have been having many conversations with my stomach, baby M did not choose to make her debut. She isn't due for another 9 days, but we are of the belief that she can arrive aaaaaaaany time now (if for no other reason than I don't especially feel like going to work tomorrow. Work with me, baby). My next appointment is on Tuesday - here's hoping I don't make it in.

Meanwhile my uterus and I were the guests of honor at a lovely little neighborhood brunch/shower today. Once again I was totally overwhelmed by people's generosity (this kid will be nothing if not well clothed). I always knew Wauwatosa was where it's at.

And now if you will excuse me, I am going to back to willing myself into labor.

Now you see it...

Now you don't. Tricky, no?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mr. & Mrs.

Our good friends Dan & Erin were married in La Crosse on Saturday and baby M got to attend her first wedding. Unbeknownst to my OB, we traveled on Friday night and stayed until Sunday morning (don't tell her, at 38 weeks along I will definitely get a verbal lashing). Baby M and I had a little chat on Saturday morning on the dos and don'ts of making her debut while 3 1/2 hours from home and she agreed to stay put for at least another 24 hours. The day was perfect - sunny and cool enough that the groomsmen didn't sweat to death in their tuxes for the outdoor ceremony.
It's official!

Baby Mama (It does not help my case here that Erin is the teeniest little thing you've ever seen)

The Willes & The Maios

Making the best of an unusual place setting. That may or may not be my second piece of cake.

We left Sunday morning before the crack of dawn - 5:30 a.m. to be exact - so that we could be back in town in time for Matt's baseball game. His league team, the Orioles, was in the playoffs and it was a big game that their star catcher could not miss. I dropped him off but returned in the 7th to find the O's up 5 to 2. In the 8th Matt slammed a 3-bagger that kicked off a 5 run rally. The Orioles won it 10-2 and go on to next weekend - if they win next Saturday, they will be in the championship on Sunday! Matt has a loooooong history of being on teams who don't win as often as they, say, lose, so this is a fun change of pace for us both. Little miss M and I might need to have another one of those mother-daughter chats before next weekend's games.