Wednesday, August 22, 2012

State Fair Edition: 2012

August in Wisconsin.  Heat.  Humidity.  Very, very large insects.  And fried stuff! 

A couple weekends ago we ventured out to what has become an annual event since we've had kids: the State Fair.  Every year we dread it and every year we have a little more fun.  This year the weather was actually not oppressive and we planned to go around lunch time with the Bansemars.  This is kind of an ongoing joke because every time we hang out with them at a MKE summer event (Festa, State Fair, etc) someone comes down with something in the hours before we are set to meet up.  Examples include me getting checked out at the hospital for possible kidney infection while pregnant, or little Alana looking like she caught the business end of a date with Chris Brown (when really it was a nasty allergic reaction).  Like clockwork we got a call from Shawn at about 10 a.m. that Alana had a case of the barfies and they were not going to make it.  Here is Genevieve's genuine reaction to that news:

life as we know it: over.

So the four of us headed to good old S'Tallis on our own.  We got there before noon which - note to self - is the key to ample parking.  Since the Bansemar's were not going I had two extra tickets which I brought with to try to sell.  Matt was all "what are you going to scalp State Fair tickets?".  After nearly 12 years together he still doubts.  I sold the tickets to the people who parked next to us and in we went.  First stop: cheese barn!  

if you don't feed me something cheesy and delicious i will be forced to eat these cute baby toes

mac and cheese.  HAND IT OVER.

a little post-lunch dancin'
After we finished eating round 1 we went to check out some of the animal barns.  Lukie was totally wide-eyed at the critters and Genevieve was a lot more brave than the last couple visits.

up close and personal with a goat
Side note to my husband:  this is a goat.

And this is a sheep:

Similar, sure.  The same?  No.  There'll be a quiz next year.

We ventured into the cow barn and for a moment I had flashbacks to last year's crazy stalker lady (thanks again to Shawn and Mel for ditching us with that nut job).  Fortunately Nutty McValium was nowhere to be found.  Luke was very intimidated by these massive animals but Geeg was interested.  She went to the little demo stations and checked out how cows are milked ("mommy, like your pump!") and hopefully learned a little bit.  This before she hopped in the driver's seat of the little milk truck and somehow split her top lip open whilst messing around.  It's just not State Fair unless someone's in tears!

excellent concentration
After thinking about delicious milk everyone was ready for a trip to the famous milk barn.  This of course was the location of Matt being short-changed last year.  This time he was ready and had his singles pre-counted and ready to go.  Clever fellow. 

notice the dollar bill in-hand

oh yeah, we got 10 glasses for the three of us

sure he's not supposed to have cow's milk before a year.  but nobody said anything about banana cow's milk.  deeeeeeeeeelicious mama!

Then we headed to the midway to check out the rides.  Genevieve has been all about rides this summer and was super excited to hit up the kiddie stuff.  So like good parents we shelled out and told her she could pick two rides.  First stop: mini ferris wheel!

up, up, and away!

chillin' while sassie spins around

next up: bouncy cars

crazy driver, comin' through

we would have never gotten away with this with baby genevieve.  love that boy.
And after a little sweet talking, she even got dad to take her on her new must-ride, the sky glider.

ta ta!  notice the super excited fair staffer in the foreground.  makes a mama feel really safe.
flyin' high
We stopped for more fair food before heading out.  A funnel cake for me, a corn dog for Matt, and a capture of this magnificent Fair specimen for you, dear readers.  The best part was when she had to relight her cig after taking so much time to properly katsup/mustard her foot long corn dog.  Excellent. 

We ended up being at the Fair for damn near 4 hours.  FOUR HOURS!  Getting there before noon was totally clutch and I will never stay there past 4 pm for the rest of my life if I can possibly help it.  Sure the people viewing is ever so slightly diminished, but the outcome after a whopping six blocks in the car was totally worth it.

all fair'd out
Meanwhile while Princess snoozed upon getting home, Lukie decided that he needs to be better prepared to go after all the good food at future family outings.  Solution?  Get there yourself.

first crawl.  it's all over now.
eat my dust, mom & dad

Monday, August 6, 2012

9 Months

Boo Boo has now been out as long as he was in, and our little man is growing more precocious by the day.  He is just so dang close to crawling, it literally could be any second now.  He will launch himself forward, can turn in any direction he chooses, and handily wedge himself underneath of stuff by moving backwards (and subsequently get MAD).  He loves to reach for toys, the remote, cell phones, and anything that goes, but that crawling motion is just barely out of reach.  Against my better judgement I'm trying to find that one thing that motivates him enough to launch forward.  Fortunately we have quite a selection of annoying and noisy toys to keep in the rotation.  Until then we continue to hold on tight as he tries to send himself sailing over couches, chairs, and whatever other obstacle is in his way.  In fact just this morning he went forehead-first into one of GG's chairs which litter the house.  Took her three and a half years to get a goose egg.  Took him 9 months.  Bruiser, comin' through!  And I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but Luke has a habit of circling his hands and feet when he's excited.  It's usually at the table, and those little wrists and ankles go into overdrive just spinning away.  It's the funniest little habit I've ever seen and it makes me nervous to think what he's going to do with that energy once he gets moving. 

Until we conquer the crawling motion, Luke has chosen to concentrate on building his core with Pilates planks.

feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the burn!


Eating has become soooooo much easier in the last couple months - what a relief.  Luke is chowing down three squares a day and nursing/bottle 3-4 times/day.  Favorites are grapes, watermelon, cheese, crackers, cereal, noodles, ham & cheese sandwiches, pb&j, waffles, apples...the list goes on, as does my time in the kitchen chopping all that stuff up into wee pieces.  But he's got a belly to fill and is great at feeding himself.  I will occasionally go in with yogurt or some leftover baby food but mostly he'd prefer to do it himself thankyouverymuch. 

who could notice the purple hand-me-down bib when there are waffles to shovel in?
The extra calories don't seem to have much effect on his weight, but they are definitely sending him up to the rafters.  The lad came in at just 19 pounds 2 oz but 29.5" at today's 9 month check up.  That's the 30th and 90th percentiles.  9.5" inches in 9 months?  Crazy.  We also have two new teeth, bringing our total toofer count up to 6.  Did you know you can grind your top and bottom two teeth?  You can.  Gah!  He is not a happy camper when teething.  I took my first ever 2 a.m. car trip a couple weeks ago trying to get the poor man to fall back asleep.  Fail.  Not until the next night when we were well into the beloved Tylenol/ibuprofen rotation did the fussing subside.  Naturally that was the week Matt was out of town for work so a good time was had by all.  We're also experiencing some separation anxiety when dropping off at day care or even if I just leave the room (Mom!  No!  Don't leave me to go pee!  Don't do it!  I need you!) but that comes with the territory.  Mostly Luke is a calm, low maintenance little dude who loves to hang out with his fam.

Aside from the mobility, Lukas is now a lot more interactive.  He can play peek-a-boo with a burp rag, tell us he's 'so big', and wave.  He's also started to 'share' which is just so dang cute.

sissie, behold the egg
first, i try it

then, i offer it to you

then we klunk

With all this busyness, getting his pictures this month was no easy feat (plus I'm still a little slow with using the 'ol iPhone).  So here are the best of the bunch!

hello bear.  here is your nose.
and here is how i eat your nose.  bwa ha ha!

diving exhibit a

spotting something else to dive after

our eyes are definitely no longer blue.  sometimes hazel, sometimes green (what?) but definitely headed toward brown
diving exhibit b
don't mind me
luke has become much more interested in books in the last couple months
on your mark...
get set...
uhh, mom? a hand please
screw it, i'm planking