Our little family had a fun first Easter with Genevieve. It was a really nice day here which was good, because then I could stuff her in her cute pink dress with a clear conscience. G must have been extra excited to try to catch the Easter Bunny because she was up at 5 bells that morning (the bunny does not approve). We went to church (you read that right) and G could not have been better behaved. Afterward we stopped in to local fave Alterra for some breakfast and then headed out on a family stroll. But first Matt had to take care of some business.
Ralphie's version of an egg huntHi mommy
Is this the Easter Bunny?
OMG, does my baby have cankles?
For the record, these are all sans Matt as he had a nasty case of pink eye and refused to have his photo taken...
...unless his eyes were shielded. G seems shocked that he has shades too.
That afternoon we headed over to Grandma & Grandpa Maio's for Easter dinner and also to celebrate Uncle Steve's birthday (which is officially today, tax day). G was treated to a basket full of goodies, ranging from the fun (a great new book, and a heavy-duty plastic bib. How did the Bunny know??) to the practical (sunscreen and a newsletter from Dr. Andrew Weil). She got tons of attention from grandma & grandpa and helped cook dinner too. She also got her first taste of cake and ice cream which was a BIG hit. That's my girl.
Alas today we are all a bit more rough for the wear...G has another icky cold and I've definitely felt better, but Matt's got it the worst with a fever and other fun symptoms. The wee one has napped for a total of about 20 minutes today (I even tried my trump card - the long walk outside - which was totally denied) and hopefully this is as bad as it gets...it would be pretty shady of me to call in sick on my last day in the office at the MSO. Funny, but shady.
the easter dress is adorable...her cankles are hilarious! she will outgrow them I'm sure. they are there to remind you that you're doing a great job mom & dad!!
Just wait until you take her on her first trip to Deutschland and then she will fall in love with the tortes like we did!
She's gorgeous!
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