Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

It's time for ghosts and goblins to come out and play.  This time last year I had a pumpkin in my belly; this year my little pumpkins have been gearing up for Halloween for weeks.

We took advantage of a rare free Sunday a couple weekends ago and hit up a pumpkin farm with our buds, the Willes.  They have two of the cutest girls you've ever seen, and the four kiddos together were adorbs.  The place we went decided to be all fancy this year and we discovered - too late - that they wanted like $8 a person to go on a hayride.  Uhh, veto.  So we decided to pass on spending $32 for a few gourds and instead let the kids run around all the free stuff.  Let me give a public shout out to Joe Suburb though for introducing us to what could be the best kettle corn I have ever had.  Holla!

As the kids started to melt down we decided to hit the road, swing through the Golden Arches, and head back to the Willes for a little lunch & football.  Two dozen wings arrived and Dan and Matt immediately disappeared.  What can I say, it's not often that we can schedule a playdate with those boys.  They missed each other.  The big girls ran themselves ragged and everyone enjoyed looooooong naps that afternoon. 

lift with your knees!
ry at 3 and g at 4
and l at almost 1
are our moms seriously still trying to take our picture?
g to ry: let's be all 'extreme photo face'.  ry to g: um, i don't think so.

when we used to take pics like this, it was with bars and boys, not minivans and babies

pretty proud of himself
luke is once again not amused!
hey sis, whaddya say we get outta here
fam (props to erin for capturing a shot which did not include a car or some random person in the background!)
We carved our pumpkins on Friday night.  Luke stuck around for long enough to check out what this carving business was all about but then he was down for the count.  It was up to G and daddy to create our jack-o-lanterns and they took it pretty seriously.
family carving pic

and with our spooky pumpkin faces

getting down to business
baby and his pumpkin

mmmm, cool and mushy.  nothing better for incoming teeth

assisting with the carving

final product #1!
When I came back downstairs after putting L down, GG and Matt had carved the other two pumpkins.  Genevieve volunteered to show me their faces:

Saturday night was Trick or Treat in the Grove.  As we transition from 2 naps a day to 1, I have to be more and more regimented with Lukie's schedule.  Dinner really needs to be in front of him by about 5:29 so we can avoid a meltdown and get to bed by 7:30.  Not so much for Saturday night (he gets a pass though as there are four teeth coming in right now.  The only thing I did less than shower last weekend was sleep.  Poor Boo Boo!)

tolerating the dino costume

see mom?  i'm smiling

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand done

our little meower

and her tail (note the kalua in the background for mommy's special trick or treat hot chocolate)

ready to go!

not impressed

now that she's 4 - aka all grown up - she took off like a rocket to go from door to door.  it was fun to see her feel so much more confident in the whole process this year.  ps, sorry for blogging your house, neighbors

luke can't take the wagon anymore so he does a little street crawlin

There are some Halloween activities tonight in the Village which we are choosing not to attend.  Having done trick or treat four days ago makes Halloween seem like it has already come and gone.  Plus I haven't showered today.  So unless I truly want to scare all the children, maybe we'll just call it a night. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Falling for Fall

After the super chilly Lakefront Marathon weekend, we were treated to a few days of crisp sun.  Perfect time to do some leaf-jumpin'!  Of course this was Luke's first foray into foliage and he was belly laughing at Sister jumping into the piles.  Outside of a few close encounters with some Ralphie presents, they had a great time and were so dang cute.  Love those kiddos!


at first luke is unsure of the crunch

but he quickly gets down to business

let me help you put this on

or let's just take it off

inadvertently - and hilariously - artsy

outta here

Run, Pop Pop, Run!

My dad ran his 42nd marathon earlier this month: the Lakefront Marathon here in MKE.  It's always the same weekend as the Twin Cities Marathon and the Chicago Marathon, so those crazy midwestern runaholics have their pick of locales.  But we were glad he chose our town and we could get an extra visit out of it.

Pop Pop came in on Saturday (Grandma Heidi stayed home sick) and we headed downtown to pick up his race packet.  The pick up was in the Kern Center, which will forever be known in our house as the "athletic facility promised to Matt by his sophomore year at MSOE but wasn't actually built until two years after he graduated".  Then it was off to dinner.  My dad was staying at a hotel downtown that night to catch the 6 a.m. shuttle to the start of the race, so I tried to think of somewhere downtown which was kid-friendly and only came up with one place: Buca's.  Imagine the groans when we pulled up and saw a line of homecoming kids pouring out the doors.  Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.  We ended up at The Knick which is a restaurant Matt and I used to go to all the time when we were young, hip, and most of all, childless.  It was not ideal for two kids.  Not even a little bit.  I wasn't even sure they would have a high chair.  I could feel the hairy eyeballs from other diners as we walked in and I said a little prayer to the gods of chicken nuggets that G and L would behave.  We got bread and crackers right away to munch on and G entertained herself by putting her napkin around her waist and playing waitress.  There was an older, very well dressed woman sitting near us and I could see her watching us.  As she was leaving she approached the table.  I got all ready for a verbal smack down about interrupting her evening, but instead she said, "I just want to tell you, your children are so well behaved.  I just really enjoyed watching them from my table."  I almost collapsed, I was so proud and relieved.

Pride aside, by the time dinner was done we were on serious borrowed time with Luke.  So we hauled a$$ out of there and dropped Pop Pop back off at his hotel with a promise to meet up the next day for the race!

lukie getting ready for his first marathon.  look alike much?
g is running her race in this pic.  look at that form!
Race day came and it was seriously chilly.  We headed back to the East Side to meet up with Pop Pop at the corner of Capital and Lake.  I realized that we've never really taken the kids to hang out at the lakefront which made me promise myself we will do that next year.  Anyway I used my fancy Big Brother tracker to figure out where dad was via Facebook and sure enough after about 15 minutes we saw the red shirt bobbing our way.

taking in the view while waiting

lakefront ladies

i was sleeping warm and sound in the car...and you woke me up for this?

gg racing (again)

poor lukie was not amused
After we caught up on Capital we drove down to Veteran's Park to the finish line.  We passed Pop Pop on our way and I rolled down the window so G could drive-by-cheer.  We had to park in a ramp and by the time we got in the ramp, unloaded the small people, and finally got to the finish line, I knew we had missed him.  It was a total gong show down there and the location of the actual finish line wasn't that intuitive so we walked around for quite a while before figuring out what was where.  Oh well.  I finally managed to track dad down just in time to capture this magical moment that could only happen in Milwaukee:

boom.  it's miller time.

trying to get her to take a picture with us.  cute.

i don't remember what we bribed her with but obviously it worked
Once home dad took a long hot shower and was somehow basically back to normal.  Meanwhile Matt had to fly out that evening to a conference so it was dinner a la Martins and early to bed for most of 'em.  The next morning dad and I took the kids to breakfast and then he hit the road back to Roch.  Despite the chill it was a fun weekend.  And who knows?  Pop Pop may have inspired a future generation of distance runner: