It's been a while since we've seen my parents. But the idea of driving to Roch with two was daunting. And my poor parents have driven here so many times they could probably do it blindfolded. The natural answer was to meet somewhere in the middle. And since G is at a perfect age for things like, say, indoor water parks, we hit up Great Wolf Lodge for a weekend mini-getaway.
We arrived a little earlier than my parents which gave G plenty of time to ooh and ahh at all the people wearing "betweens" (ie, flip flops). She has always refused to wear flip flops and told us last year that she will wear them when she's grown up, or age 3. Which ever came first. This was the point that I realized what I forgot to pack - shoes to wear in the park. Dur. Grandma and Pop Pop finally showed up and she was SO excited to see them and get on with the water slides. First though we checked in to our suite, grabbed some lunch, and I ran over to the outlet mall to buy us all betweens. From there it was ready, set, water park!
We expected G to be hesitant to slide at first and she was, but that uneasy fear is fading faster and faster and before we knew it she was on the kiddie slides on her own. One of them was actually pretty fast so there was this semi-permanent look of fear as she came whizzing down which was hilarious.
having fun...but so scared...but having fun...but so scared... |
She did the kiddie slides, the wave pool, another kiddie area, and even braved a big slide with daddy. Lukie hung out in his stroller with Pop Pop most of the weekend which seemed to suit both of them just fine.
wheeeeeeeeee! |
quite proud |
leave us alone, we're busy |
chillaxin |
g and daddy braving the big slide together. she was almost airborne upon landing |
she *might* have hogged this squirting jet ski |
but she meant serious business |
Saturday night we headed to a restaurant across the street (also the site of our group lunch during out camping, um, adventure last summer. I had never been so happy to be in air conditioning). By this point our girl was over hungry and
way over tired. Obviously this lead to a full fledged meltdown while waiting for our table. I had to leave and take her outside to cool off but once she was over it we were all good. Later that night after everyone was asleep Matt and I had a margarita on our little porch and spied on the life guards as they packed up for the night (as an aside, these life guards meant business. I have no qualms taking my kids back there in the future).
pre-meltdown. flash forward to spring break 2028? |
Sunday morning Lukie was up early and when I went to get him I noticed Grandma and Pop Pop had absconded with the lad. It was super cute to find him happily entertaining them and soaking up 100% of the attention from the doting grandparents. We got ourselves together and headed to breakfast where G loudly declared to the waitress, "I'm HUNGRY!" All righty then. We tanked her up and it was back to the slides for a few more hours before heading out.
swimsuit? check. betweens? check. let's rock |
despite his love of baths, lukie was not a fan of getting his tiny toes in the water |
fam |
oh mommy, even though i'm not swimming i'm sooooo sleepy |
mmm, bathing suit strap. delicious. |
mom, i know they're cute but don't you find these trunks a tad superfluous? |
howling like the great wolf |
give that to me |
That girl managed to stay awake past Madison on the drive home but once she was out, she was out. The best part about 24 hours in a water park? The kiddos both slept for about 12 hours Sunday night. Swimming in what amounts to giant toilets = totally worth it. Looking forward to doing it again soon!
love the toilet comment. so true but worth the fun!
The one of Lukas reaching for Matt's drink is hilarious. I'm ready to go again, anytime!
looks like a great little get-away. I foresee a trip like this in our future...
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