Spring is here and the Dude is five months old. While you know synapses are firing left and right from day one, Lukie is starting to reach that point where changes and milestones are more apparent. The lad has discovered and absolutely fallen in love with his feet. He's reaching for them all the time and I'm just dyyyyyyyyying for the moment he figures out to shove those little munchable toes in his mouth. He's rolled both from front to back and back to front, and is working really hard to sit up on his own so he can keep a close eye on whatever GG is doing. He enjoys making his voice heard by blowing raspberries and screeching like a little howler monkey, and ev.er.y.thing he gets his hands on goes straight into his mouth. Except for rice cereal which I think he's not such a fan of, as evidenced by his blowing wet cereal raspberries right back in my face. Yummy.
hey, what'cha got there? |
oh I have one too. excellent. |
pulling the toes, chewing on fingers, happy kiddo |
mid-"bouf" (what he says what he's razzing) |
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach - feel the burn! |
getting stronger |
crawling is inevitable. too soon for this mama |
ma, i'm going down! |
ha, i got back up |
and now i'm shy |
what the heck do you call that stuff? |
shove it in, lady |
uhhhhhhhhhhh, perhaps not |
but i'll keep trying |
And now a little glimpse into just how much Lukas loves Genevieve. She is the only one who can really make him belly laugh and it's usually by getting right in his face. A little background: she was trying to tell him a joke she heard on Clifford, the punch line to which is supposed to be "Cock-a-poodle-doo". Although less PC, G's version is funnier.
L.O.V.E. the magical sibling bond that emerges around this age. so sweet :)
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