Dear complete strangers, curious bystanders, and colleagues with whom my normal conversational exchange is limited to "hi": Yes, I am fully aware that I do in fact appear to be hiding a basketball under my shirt. Believe me, no one is MORE aware of that than I. I
think you're trying to be complimentary when you follow up with "but you don't even look pregnant from behind!" but most of the time that just makes me more uncomfortable to know that you were looking (this is especially true for you, coworkers).
Although I'm carrying very much the same as G - which is to say low and straight out - it's obvious that this second-child business is in full effect and I'm bigger now than I was at this point with the first. Awe.Some. Here are a couple 33 week shots which are now two weeks old. The basketball groweth.
Rubbin' bellies. |
33 weeks with GG. Much foxier! |
I think you look great Sarah, don't let 'em get to you! You could really mess with them and hang a sign on your back that says "Yes, I'm pregnant, stop looking at my backside since the baby is in the front"
LOL - Beth... that's awesome! And I agree, Sarah you look great! Hopefully you are getting settled in and before you know it you'll be able to enjoy your new Lil' Maio Man.
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