While Matt has been keeping incredibly busy this fall with Brewers
playoff games and continued mudroom reno work (tape, mud, sand, repeat.
Dust. Everywhere.), G and I have been keeping busy ourselves.
NLDS Game...something |
spent an unseasonably warm afternoon playing in the leaves last week.
The night before we got 'Boo'd' by our neighbors, and their 2 and 6 year
old daughters, dropping off a bag-o-goodies and running off. The bag
was chock full of candy (gone in about 20 minutes) but also super cute
Halloween stuff that could only have been picked out by another girl -
socks, pencils, and the bright bow headband you see below. G freaked
out when she saw it and wore that headband all day. We also created a few little ghosts to put throughout the house to spruce the joint up. Two garbage bags + one Sharpie + a few handfulls of leaves = free fun. Excellent.
crunching in |
Bubs joins the fun, until he gets a mouth full of leaves and spends the next 30 minutes flapping his tongue in and out |
"hiding" |
we also got to drag Matt away from his two life-focuses for a trip to
the pumpkin patch. This is the first year we've taken Genevieve. I
KNOW. Unheard of for the preschool set. But this time last year we
were deep cleaning the Tosa house and putting it on the market so there
was little time for weekend jaunts. It was worth the wait though and
she had an awesome time. Again we had ridiculous weather and although
it was slightly cool when we left the house, it was a full on summer day
by the time we got there. Hottest hayride I'll probably ever take.
spooky! |
she got on all the animals you could ride but settled on one her own size |
just over 3 pumpkins tall |
mommy's already doing her fair share of heavy lifting |
bend with your knees! |
her hand-picked winners. notice the bright red "mom why the heck did you put me in corduroy pants" cheeks |
This weekend was spent on more mudroom work (we are installing an arch and one day it will be awesome) and also getting the baby's room ready. Since we're not getting Mr. Maio a huge dresser like his sister (which still has the title of most expensive piece of furniture in the house. how wrong is that??) we did get him a super cute rug that finally arrived. So that went down, the crib went up (Matt is getting pretty good at putting that thing together) and we realized that we have too much furniture. So after *much* debate we ended up moving the queen-sized bed into G's room. Yeah, we were 26 before either of us had a queen bed. Our kid is 3. But we had to keep it out somewhere for guests to use so it was either that or dump it in the middle of the living room, which might create a nice ambiance with the fireplace going in winter but then what we do with the few still-packed boxes? Put them away? Ridiculous.
Right now the twin is in the baby's room but even that is feeling claustrophobic so I think the twin will live in the basement until he's ready for a big boy bed. I'm feeling incredibly defeated that I now have to buy all new little girl bedding for the queen (not readily available, btw) and all new boy bedding in a couple of years for the twin, but poo happens and that's what we get for buying an ancient 3-bedroom house. More pics to update on the reno and the baby's room to come, along with belly shots at 37 weeks (Tuesday!).
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