Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Wee Butterball

The fastest four weeks of our lives have come and gone and Genevieve is already one month old. At her four week appointment we discovered that she has mysteriously shrunk to 21 3/4 inches but is coming in at the "I don't miss a meal" weight of 10 lbs 7 oz. She is getting bigger and stronger every day, is able to hold her head up during the dreaded 'tummy time', and we have a grand master plan for longer hours of sleeping at night (insert rookie parent joke here, right?). The plan will have to wait a few days though as daddy is out of town for work until - gasp - Thursday night. That's right, it's just me and the meatloaf, along with our trusty attack poodle, for the next few days. Time to test this new mom's mettle!

Smooches all around

Hello, here are my chins and giant baby belly

Mom, stop taking my picture!


{Emily} said...

I'm not sure how it's possible that G is already a month old! She is adorable, I can't wait to meet her!

That blanket looks very familiar, glad to see you guys are getting good use out of it! Good luck with the single parenting this week!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a healthy little babe. Genevieve looks great! And I must say, though initially I thought she was all Matt in the looks department, those wide open-eyed face shots really show a striking resemblance to her mama.

Looking forward to a visit soon once my own hubby is back in town...

Anonymous said...

A VERY belated Congrats! Little Miss G is adorable! Time flies by... it's hard to believe it's been a month! Keep up with the posting, I love to follow the news of the Maio family!

Jennifer & Marc

Anonymous said...

Seriously, she's so adorable! She's going to make one pretty girl.