Monday, October 13, 2008

Baby's First Fundraiser

It was a gorgeous weekend here in 'Tosa and Genevieve spent Sunday at her first fundraiser - the local walk to fight ALS. We were proud to walk as part of Team Bansemar, both with and in honor of Mary. It was 78 degrees and sunny, and with about 1,500 participants the Walk was a great success.

Although a terrific day, it did start off with a common theme in the Maio household: poo. A flock of geese flew overhead just before the walk began, and some members of our team were left a little green.

No good deed goes unpunished. BTW, goose poo does not respond to Shout Wipes.

The fab four Bansemars

Mary with the Brewers racing sausages

The walk really took it out of Genevieve

Exhibit two

Exhibit three.

Major props to Melissa for organizing the whole team. We were proud to help raise money for research against this disease.


Scholar and Sailor said...

What a gorgeous day! Glad you could enjoy it by supporting your friends.

And I am also happy to see that Miss G has inherited your, ahem, love of walking. And by walking...I mean napping. :)

Anonymous said...

Is she sleeping through bath time? I wish I could continue to sleep through morning showers...