Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lots of Firsts

Well miss G has been home for a few days now and we are loving all of the firsts as a new family. It's all the usual fun stuff - first bath, first walk, etc - but started on Wednesday night with the first time she slept through the night. Seriously she slept from about 11-6. I do not lie. My mom and Matt both got a wonderful night's sleep, but I was up every hour making sure she was breathing. We haven't had that since but all signs are pointing to us having a very chill baby on our hands. Unless we're bathing her, in which case we get this:

And a good time was had by all.

Outside of this little adventure she barely cries and doesn't so much as flinch when her big furry brother barks his poodle head off (which is often). Now we're going to work on cheering on the Brewers for their first return to the playoffs. Fortunately one of her 65 onesies is a Brewers outfit. Go Crew!

1 comment:

Scholar and Sailor said...

Hey you guys! Looks like that onesie did the trick, huh? Playoffs, baby! (hee hee)
