March came in like a lioness with PMS this year, so there were lots of opportunities for us to come up with
more inside fun. Fortunately that included our annual trip to Great Wolf with Grandma Heidi and Pop Pop so at least we could expose our skin to air with >10% humidity.
cutie patootie ready to rock the slides |
giving me the what-for |
night 1 - awaiting the story time show with all the necessary treats in hand |
we're so tired but want to see the shooooooooooooooooooooooow |
best seat in the house |
still has those squeezable cheeks |
with rachel the raccoon |
i was honestly surprised to notice how long her stems have gotten over the winter |
rode this slide about a kerskillion times |
a trip to the arcade was in order! |
souvenir ears? check. won't take off their flip flops? check. time to hit it back home after a super fun weekend! |
Other things to keep us entertained throughout the month:
a little poodle wranglin' |
wrestling, aka the push game. nothing can go wrong here. |
tape the hat on the leprechaun. not only did that leprechaun hide our shamrocks, he turned gg and luke's milk green. naughty leprechaun!! |
yeah that's right, i used a lucky charms box as our target. pinterest schminterest |
which way do i go? |
thoroughly enjoying this game |
as if i need more reasons to lose my balance... |
daddy's up! |
finding our hidden shamrocks |
i promise, luke was more enthusiastic than this photo would imply |
bumpin' at work |
Shenanigans aside, Matt and I were quickly growing weary of waiting for construction to begin on the new 4th bedroom addition. THANKFULLY there was enough of a light at the end of the tunnel for things to get going on March 19th. More on the reno saga later.
In the meantime it was time for the calendar to say spring and for us to celebrate Grandma Kathy's birthday. It was a huge relief for me to get the kids over there as Matt was on day 4 of his boy's AZ getaway weekend and I was on day 4 of pregnant lady overload and about to hoist the mommy-white-flag (side note: you know you're done when your kids fall down separate flights of steps within about 8 minutes of each other). Birthday bonus, the kids got to finally meet their new little cousin, Logan!!
this picture perfectly sums up what i anticipate happening this summer. her: totally into it. him: n.o.t. interested |
so proud to hold him |
the cousins (all 4, ha ha) |
hi, my name is genevieve and i'm 16 |
luke was totally in love with auntie barb. and why not? she was a lot more fun than the sleeping baby |
a-dain! |
luke skipped over the fruit tart in favor of a 'dween tuptate' |
proud grandparents |
While I wouldn't call it warm, the sun came out enough to at least give us some 6-layered hope that spring will indeed return.
hanging with mom at the playground |
he announces every time whether he's going to slide on his "booty butt" or on his belly. can we make it through the summer without a broken nose? |
matt heads off on a run. notice his lizard-like footwear. kyle, this one's for you. |
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