Our little birdie has been cooking for a bit over 30 weeks now. Having been pregnant both over the summer and winter I'd definitely choose summer. Sure the heat is a pain, but 17 layers vs. a cute skirt and tank top cuts way down on the Stay Puft Marshmallow factor. Although...it is pretty funny to see people's faces now that I'm not wearing my parka. It's like BOOM, they just noticed that I'm gigantically pregnant.
I've been the lucky recipient of sciatica since about day 1 with this pregnancy. I had a bit with Luke from about 6-8 months but this has been honestly since the first trimester. When I feel good I can waddle around for a good 5-10 minutes. When it's bad I can't take a single step without being in huge amounts of pain. I've seen a chiropractor which helped a little, but not enough to take the edge off the deductible. The real downer about it is that I can't get on the treadmill or get outside to walk, and not getting regular exercise has been making me a little crazy(ier) in the head. Seriously, poor Matt. Oddly enough the most comfortable seat I've found is the driver's seat in my Pilot. Who needs a ride somewhere? Cause this mama ain't walkin.
Of course chasing a 5 year old and 2 year old - who is seriously exercising his right to be 2 of late - changes the game too. I wish I could go back to my 28 year old first-time-prego self, grab her by the shoulders, and scream "You think you're tired now? Seriously? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YOU CAN NAP WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!".
Aside from the average pregnancy pains and related crazy that comes with the hormones (side note: I read somewhere that by the last few weeks the hormones coursing through a woman's bod are the equivalent of 1,000 birth control pills a day. First, is that real? And second, I get it now) this has been a very good pregnancy health-wise. Oh minus all the strep. But the baby is growing rapidly and everything has been clear since the beginning. The placenta is actually behind the baby which means she's pushed right up front. I've felt her consistently since 15 weeks which at first was fun and now just feels like she's throwing a big rager in there pretty much all the time. GG spends a lot of time loving on my belly and cannot wait for her sister to arrive. Luke has no idea what's happening and I'm pretty sure will have zero interest come June. He is being much, much gentler to his favorite baby doll though, which is a huge improvement over throwing her head first into the floor.
And the fun part of being a c-section mom: we just scheduled baby's eviction date. So June 2nd, the date formerly known as Matt's birthday, will henceforth be known as baby girl's birthday. He's excited and I find it adorable.
I know the next 9 weeks will fly by which is reassuring when I'm huffing and puffing up the stairs at work. Can't wait to meet this little chickadee and really excited to see what she looks like (but baby, that is not an invitation to come out early. Mom & Dad have serious construction work ahead of us still). Onward!
27 weeks and bumpin' it at our Dells weekend. |
the midwestern men-folk in the water park were giving my belly a serious run for the money |
30 weeks. gigantor. i blame the placenta. |
cutest little photo bomber ever |