Over super bowl weekend Lukie clocked in at the 15 month mark. At this age he is still very silly and mostly chilled out, but he's definitely starting to show signs of sass. I remember the attitude I got from his sister at 18 months and thinking, ok, this parenting thing is
not getting easier. Little man is growing up!
At his 15 month appointment the other day he came in at 22 lbs 12 oz, a whopping 12 oz heavier than his 1-year appointment, and 31.75", 1.5" taller. Of course there is no exact science to this but at the 30th and 75th percentiles, he's a string bean and probably always will be. He can still easily fit into 12 month pants, except for the whole 'length' thing but better to have pants that stay up than fall down.
Luke has been walking for three months now and we love to watch him chase after GG. Those little legs get crankin' and he does this kind of robot-style leg swing where his knees don't totally bend. Hilarious! We've got all 16 teeth and have had a couple more ear infections over the last three months. His eyes are still blue-ish hazel-ish which remain a genetic mystery. But the blonde locks are courtesy-o-mom.
Over Christmas he actually had his first haircut. Matt said he was getting too much of a mullet. I resisted but ultimately gave in. Luke was a total gem in the barber's chair and barely noticed anything was going on. The first thing Matt said after seeing his newly shorn big boy? "I don't think I was ready for that."
stylin and profilin. notice the diaper which is his favorite lovie. we call it a chewy. he started chowing on them when the back teeth were coming in and hasn't really give up. beats the orthodontics off a pacifier! |
yo! |
freshly cut kiddos |
Luke has taught us that he is a total climber, and that we better beware of anything left anywhere. I've found him in all kinds of crazy cubbies and corners, and busted him climbing on stuff that would never cross my mind to use as a launching pad. I'm looking forward to getting him outside in spring and letting him take a few more years off my life via the play set.
oh wait, you can see me? |
hi! mom, don't worry, i'll just get the elmo book myself. |
yes, i sure do know that i'm not supposed to be up here |
cheeky. literally. |
um NO. |
He's still not very verbal (words so far include pretty caveman style versions of dada, mama, GG, Ralphie, and more) but this child gets his point across. For example slapping the refrigerator door and screaming "meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" means, may I have some milk please? He loves to do anything that big sis is doing - which is starting to annoy the bejesus out of her. There are a couple books in his routine that he cannot get enough of. One is a bunch of common kids songs and I have witnesses who can attest that, although he's not singing the words, he can absolutely sing the tunes to Baa Baa Black Sheep, Row Your Boat, and Three Blind Mice. Most of all, he l.o.v.e.s. his nightly ritual of playing tackle with daddy after bath.
big man in the tub. the best is when he points to his belly button, which he can't see when he bends over, and inevitably points to his little manhood. hilarious. |
double teaming daddy |
oh here dad, i help you up (beware when he helps mommy up, there is always serious pulling of the hair) |
mom, i pinned him! |
He also seriously, like in all honesty, loves the vacuum and vacuuming. Like, loves it.
want to keep him busy for 20 minutes? bust out the hoover |
or for that matter, the dirt devil |
Our little man is a decent eater - not the best, not the worst. He will eat a pint of blueberries if you let him which leads to some delightful diaper presents. And although he can be a little peckish at times, I've found that a lot more makes it down the hatch if he's given utensils. He just loves to be a big boy.
notice the left handed tendency. matt's dream of a southpaw might come true yet |
he may not have a ton of words but he knows exactly what we are saying. for example, luke, go throw this in the garbage please |
ok mama! |
let me just chew on the side of the can here while i check to make sure it's gone |
Lukas and Genevieve are really starting to play together nicely. The other night she and he were done with dinner well before Matt and I, so we released them both and told them to go play. Which they did! It was awesome.
two valentines |
hanging at the children's museum. crazy driver on the loose! |
i wonder if i can get him baby mike holmes overalls |
just your average crazy |
snow day! |
do you see what i see? |
And despite our never ending game of sleep-of-fortune (what will you get tonight? 11 hours of glory or up every other hour? tune in to find out!), there are of course those moments that just make you forget it all.
the light is on because this cheeky monkey turned it on before crashing. what a freshie! |
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