Spring is here and Lukie is six months old. Absolutely no idea how this happened. He is turning into such a little person, and he keeps us all entertained constantly. At six months, Lukie...
Loves: grabbing his feet, jumping like a maniac in the bouncer, big sister GG, anything that he can grab and shove in his mouth, and his thumb.
Dislikes: food which isn't milk (I can only get a couple teaspoons of solids in him at a time. Who is this child?), being hungry (dear Boo Boo, see above re: solids), getting dressed, and that's really about it.
We're getting closer to sitting up independently. He might find more success if he doesn't constantly lean forward to go for his feet. He easily props up his torso now during tummy time and can roll from front to back, sometimes intentionally and sometimes making me think his outside arm is just going to pop right out of the socket. Depends on his mood. He just started scooting around a little by sticking his little rump in the air and shoving his face forward on the carpet (note to self: vacuum). It looks like his two bottom teeth are thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinking about making their way north so we'll be stocking up on the Tylenol. And for a kid who has rejected a pacifier, he has found true love with his thumb.
We won't have 6 month stats on Boo Boo for a while. I had to reschedule his appointment and was shocked to learn I couldn't get in to our pediatrician until the middle of June. On a Saturday. At 8:30 in the morning. Whuck? So until then I'll simply say that Lukas continues to be a very content dude who is happy to spend time jumping, screeching, or just taking in the world around him. We could just eat him alive! Speaking of eating...
screw strained green beans. i shall snatch your pizza |
c'mon grandpa, hand it over |
sure, i'll try the chicken |
or just the plate'll do |
dear thumb: i love you (exhibit a) |
exhibit b |
exhibit c. i rest my case. |
must capture the rolls while they're still there |
LOVE this shot! |
no matter how high we raise the seat, he loves to land practically en pointe |
And now a few shots of our big 6 month old boy:
sister insists on getting in on the act |
this picture makes him look like he's (a) huge and (b) reclining on the chair and watching the packers or something |
i see you, puppy. come to me. |
just have to smoosh my face in the rug here... |
gotcha! |
annnnnnnnnd i'm done |
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