Luke is already two months old. With all the anticipation of the events of the last two months of 2011, that they've already come and gone and we're full on into 2012 is a little shocking. Our little man is getting bigger by the second, and over the last two weeks or so has become a lot more chatty and animated. Kindof coming out of that newborn sleep coma. He h.a.t.e.s. tummy time and will kick and flail his arms like a turtle stuck on its back doing kung-fu. The other day Matt told me, "he is so responsive to you," which - after
weeks of narrating your life to basically a brick wall -
was about the best thing a new mama can hear. His broad vocabulary includes "guh", "argh", and most often, "goo". So much so that we have nicknamed him Mr. Goo. Besides goo-ing, Lukas's hobbies include 3 a.m. pants explosions, watching whatever Sister is doing, and preferring to be held approximately 100% of the time.
Luke's two month appointment confirmed a few things that we already know. 1 - the kid has seriously dry skin. Not the full body eczema that G had (poor kitten!), but dry enough that our 2x/day Aquaphor applications soak right in. Hopefully this just goes away as his baby skin matures, but until then it's tons-o-lotion and a warm bath every night (which is so inconvenient considering G needs to not be a dirt ball either). 2 - his little tear ducts are still blocked. He gets warm washcloth rubs every morning and night to try to keep them open and keep his little eyes from crusting over, and antibacterial drops for when we need them. Which he just loves. Mmmhmmm. Again, hopefully this will fix itself as he grows. 3 - speaking of growing we're all good in the weight and height departments. He is 13 lbs 4 oz and 24.5". 93% for height, 90% for weight. He's gotten a lot more accustomed to the bottle in the last week and even though it means an extra pumping for moi, it's nice to let Matt take over feeding once or twice a day. He continues to have no tolerance for pacifiers which makes us 2/2 in the anit-paci kid zone. A pain now, but perhaps a little relief in the braces department??
Also with his advanced age is coming a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle light at the end of the sleepless-night tunnel. Lukas goes to bed between 8-9 and is giving me about a 5-hour stretch of sleep, followed by a quick feed and another 3-4 hour stretch before he's up around 7. Not bad, not bad at all. Actually the last two nights he's given us 7 hours but now that I've written that down surely I've jinxed it. Also it would be helpful if Genevieve would sleep through the night. She continues to wake once a night with nightmares ("there's a ________________ in my room". Culprits include a dinosaur, an orange piggie, and Rudolph). At least she goes right back down but still, it's obvious that the two enjoy tag-teaming us in the wee hours. Stinkers!
Here are pics of Mr. Goo at 2 months!
basically a happy go lucky little guy! |
chillaxin with mr. bear |
hey dude, let's hold hands |
how YOU doin'? |
mid "goo" |
rockin' out to a little baby mozart |
i'm curious mother, how many times are you going to flash that camera? |
lazy lunker happily licking the blanket instead of picking up that melon |
he he, i got mom to pick me up |
why am i back here? |
what if i trick mommy into thinking i'm so sleepy? |
zzzzzzzzzz |
HA! fooled you |
whoa, have you happened to see these five little wiggly things at the end of my hand? |
mr. goo and his still blue eyes |
a little warm water in all the right places...whee! |
making sure we're soaked from cradle cap head to dry skin toe |
hey, where's sissy? |
there she is! two clean kiddos ready for story time |
tell mr. goo not to grow so fast...we'd like to meet him before he's toddler-sized! can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
Ah-DAR-able!! What a punkin:-)
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