Starting with Easter! We were still residing in the Stallis house for Easter but we told GG that the bunny would definitely know where her new house was. Matt went ahead first to hide eggs and when we pulled up the big bunny present was waiting on the driveway. The funny thing about this basketball hoop is that GG totally busted me buying it. I had navigated through all of Target without her noticing this enormous box and was feeling very smug when I arrived in the parking lot to discover that I had Matt's car that day. And that the trunk was full of boxes. Cargo super fail. I got GG in her seat first and it's no exaggeration to say it took me a solid 12-15 minutes to figure out how I was going to get all of my purchases in the Camry. So I tried to downplay it and say it was just a silly box, and when we got back to Stallis I threw it in a corner of the garage (correction: I moved Kenny's crap out of the way to make room in a corner of the garage) and hoped that it would be out of sight, out of mind. Matt took it to the EG house the next day but the day after that I was confronted with a very mad GG saying, "Mommy, what did you do with my basketball hoop? WHERE did you put it?" Let me tell you, she meant business. So she was all smiles when it magically arrived at the new house, ready for dunking adventures. We also went to Grandma & Grandpa Maio's house, where the bunny had conveniently visited as well. Score!
Mandatory ear shot. Doesn't she look thrilled?
The furry kid cooperated a lot better
She shoots, she....can't get it in to save her life. Looking forward to the practice this summer!
Dora? Candy? Sidewalk chalk? Love the bunny.
Busting into the good stuff
On the hunt and screaming, "THERE'S ONE OVER THERE!!!". Hi neighbors, we're here.
Even more loot
Sunday morning Matt had a baseball game and as G was still away I took that opportunity to haul a$$ on her bedroom and bathroom and make at least those two spaces appear as put together as possible. I still need to sew drapes for her room and we need to paint the bed frame and side table, but so far it has turned out really cute. The big news is that we took this last move as a chance to cut ties with all things baby and get GG a big girl bed. We talked it up BIG TIME before the move so she would be ready, and when Karl & Kathy brought her back to the house Sunday afternoon, she was super, super excited to jump right in. A week and a half in she has done brilliantly. I'm pretty sure she has no idea she can get in and out on her own, which I will enjoy while it lasts.
Then last weekend my parents came for a visit and to help us clear out our storage unit. By Saturday afternoon, all of our crap was finally under the same roof. Still a complete tornado of a mess, but all under one roof.
Sunday was of course Mother's Day, and we inaugurated the dining room with a little brunch with us and all four grandparents. Super low key and a nice break from the madness of the weeks prior. GG and Grandma Heidi also got busy with the annuals, making it look like someone actually lives in this house. Geeg also discovered the little princess bike we have for her and was bound and determined to ride. Sure there were no training wheels and the tires were basically flat, but Pop Pop was there to help get rolling.

Mother's Day 2011
Water, water, water. Although today she stuck the nozzle of her watering can directly into the dirt, then directly into her mouth. Delish.
Let's roll!
Moms and kids
The other bit hit as of late has been the discovery of tea parties. Karl & Kathy have a mini tea set at their house that she likes to play with, and then Grandma Heidi brought along a tea set that she honestly bought 3 years ago, so we've been having long, drawn out tea parties every day. It's awesome to see her little imagination at work (for example, today was Red Teddy's birthday so we had to sing to him and eat birthday cake), but an adult sized rump can only handle those tiny chairs for so long. And no one is immune from being invited.
Then today I got out of the shower to find her in this charming tea party ensemble:
All in all things in the new house are going well. We are box-free in the kitchen and there are toys spread everywhere, so we're all getting accustomed quickly. Ralphie has chosen to completely ignore the boundaries of the yard (hello, can't he see those lot line flags?), so the lovely people of Invisible Fence are coming in about a week, and we are having other projects being bid out by contractors. There is truly enough work in this house to keep us busy for the next decade but, as I watched the garbage men come up my driveway for doorside service today, we know we're super lucky and feeling really excited to be here. Exhausting tea parties and all.
good to see you're "moved in" and congrats to geeg on her big girl bed! exciting! we told miles he can't get out without calling for mommy or daddy and he's still staying put. do it. you'll be glad :)
the house is lovely and the landscapers did a marvelous job. can't complain about free labor ;)
Glad you're all moved in and "settled" or at least getting there:-) The new house looks fabulous and I love the yard! GG is adorable as usual, LOVE the tea party ensemble...she is quite the fashionista!!!
Wow, I'm exhausted reading your update. LOVE GG's new room. Super cute and I had a great chuckle at her tea party attire! Congrats again! Hope the pukes didn't put a damper on your big move.
somehow my comment didn't post...hmmm...
in any case - I second anna's thoughts exactly. we are excited to see the new digs!
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