For the 4th of July we headed to the cottage. It was fun to hang out and play a little whiffle ball while Geeg went down her slide and hung out in her swing. As it turns out, she is nooooooooooooot so excited about actually going in the lake. She will walk up to about her ankles (so, 6 inches from shore) and that's where the fun ends. So I've been trying to take her in with me but so far she has been less than thrilled. Interestingly this is the same thing I did with Ralphie before he knew how to swim, so maybe I'm just destined to do this with all my kids, furry and otherwise.
The tot was also getting over a nasty diaper rash and just starting with a cough and runny nose (hello, two year molars. Just *so* glad to see you). So she did not partake in fireworks and fortunately she did not wake up from them either. She did, however, burn many a calorie doing Independence Day Laps.
Since the cottage was full of other grown-ups Matt and I went off to explore the White River while GG was napping. It really should be called the White Stream but it felt unchartered nonetheless. I'm sure there was an easier way to get in, but instead of looking for it we just hopped the fence.

Started at the top, ended at the bottom. Felt like Ethan Hunt.

Me and my exotic tour guide

Eerily quiet

I know you see me. And I know you know I see you. Just so you know.

Darn near lost a J Crew sandal to 12" of muck. We are so city.
It was a hot, hot weekend and after another fantastic dinner the boys headed down to make a campfire. They had a few beers. Then a few more. Then Uncle Stevie decided it was the right time for a swim. He had better pray these photos don't make their way to the wedding.
The next weekend we got a visit from Grandma & Pop Pop. They came on Friday and we headed out to Maxie's for dinner. Mmmmmmmmm, sweet potato fries and fizzy margaritas. Being a true Eastie, Pop Pop ordered an appetizer of raw oysters. I have never tried one, so both Matt and I got our slurp on. Not bad. After stuffing ourselves absolutely silly we headed home. On Saturday morning we ventured to the Tosa Farmer's Market where we stocked up on our organic meats. It was hot as hell so once we were totally sweaty we headed home for lunch. After GG's nap the big event of the weekend was upon us: a Brewers game. Pete & Heidi have never been to a Brewers game, much less tailgated, and I blame myself. To make up for it I got us seats 13 rows behind home plate (I may work part time but I still know where to get my stash). We loaded up the car and headed to the park. Matt even sprang for preferred parking. Who says chivalry is dead?
The game was super fun and GG did very well. We left during the 7th inning stretch though, as I am not one to push the cranky envelope and the idea of sitting in the parking lot as 44,999 of my closest friends also tried to leave the stadium with a probably overtired toddler...clearly not the way to go. When all was said and done the Brewers won and we had a great time.

Play ball!

In the 'Kids Zone'. She was crazy for the Italian. It brought a tear to Matt's eye.

Chorizo is on the run

Prince hits a slamma-lamma!
Started at the top, ended at the bottom. Felt like Ethan Hunt.
At its deepest the water was about mid-calf, and it was crystal clear and nice and cool. It was really interesting to see the clumps of grasses growing in the middle of the water - seemed sort of out of place and we wondered how they got there. It was so quiet and serene, but as we turned a bend we heard a huge crash into the water and we both about wet ourselves. Turned out to be two huge deer who heard or smelled us and took off down the river. Scared the bejesus out of us both. But of course we decided we had to find them, so Meriwether Lewis and Sacajawea continued on. Sure enough we spotted them a few hundred feet on, and got a shot (as in photo, not as in gun) before they took off again.
Me and my exotic tour guide
Eerily quiet
I know you see me. And I know you know I see you. Just so you know.
Darn near lost a J Crew sandal to 12" of muck. We are so city.
It was a hot, hot weekend and after another fantastic dinner the boys headed down to make a campfire. They had a few beers. Then a few more. Then Uncle Stevie decided it was the right time for a swim. He had better pray these photos don't make their way to the wedding.
The next weekend we got a visit from Grandma & Pop Pop. They came on Friday and we headed out to Maxie's for dinner. Mmmmmmmmm, sweet potato fries and fizzy margaritas. Being a true Eastie, Pop Pop ordered an appetizer of raw oysters. I have never tried one, so both Matt and I got our slurp on. Not bad. After stuffing ourselves absolutely silly we headed home. On Saturday morning we ventured to the Tosa Farmer's Market where we stocked up on our organic meats. It was hot as hell so once we were totally sweaty we headed home for lunch. After GG's nap the big event of the weekend was upon us: a Brewers game. Pete & Heidi have never been to a Brewers game, much less tailgated, and I blame myself. To make up for it I got us seats 13 rows behind home plate (I may work part time but I still know where to get my stash). We loaded up the car and headed to the park. Matt even sprang for preferred parking. Who says chivalry is dead?
The game was super fun and GG did very well. We left during the 7th inning stretch though, as I am not one to push the cranky envelope and the idea of sitting in the parking lot as 44,999 of my closest friends also tried to leave the stadium with a probably overtired toddler...clearly not the way to go. When all was said and done the Brewers won and we had a great time.
Play ball!
In the 'Kids Zone'. She was crazy for the Italian. It brought a tear to Matt's eye.
Chorizo is on the run
Prince hits a slamma-lamma!
is the roof open at miller park??? that's historical.
looks like summer: part 1 has been successful. we are happy to be able to see you for some fun during summer: part 2! long have you lived in Milwaukee and this is the first time you've taken your parents to a Brewer game???
Lovin' G on the Harley. Maybe Ry can take a spin on that hog some time :-)
Whew, I'm tired just reading about all of the activities you've been doing! Looks like fun....although the shots of Matt's brother, slightly disturbing:-)
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