We woke up Saturday morning to greet all of the Harms's, and the Kroenings who had arrived earlier on Friday. This included our first chance to meet the newest addition, Mr. Henry Kroening, who was born just 10 short days earlier! Robin was a brave woman to make the trek but we were so happy to meet this new little man.

hey munchkin
So now there are three big kids (Ethan, Miles, and G) and three little kids (Addie, Alana, and Henry). All of the kids did so well over the course of the weekend, and the three big kids were super well behaved. Obviously a reflection of their collectively marvelous parents. They played and shared and were generally adorable:

our kiddo collection

the big kids 2009 to 2010

hey miles!


more hugs!

hello blackmail

the little girls, Addie and Alana

everyone loves story time

genevieve was a slidin' fool. if she went down once, she went down 100 times
And let me allay your fears that anyone left hungry. There were mountains of food throughout the weekend, especially at Game Time.

my newest specialty: 7-layer dip, with a mostly olive-free portion for our less enthusiastic Oleaceae fans
our kiddo collection
the big kids 2009 to 2010

hey miles!

more hugs!

the little girls, Addie and Alana
everyone loves story time
genevieve was a slidin' fool. if she went down once, she went down 100 times
At some point, Anna was recalling the days when their driveway was filled with sports cars instead of minivans and SUVs, and that it wasn't that long ago that we were eating out for every meal, sleeping in late, and spending long nights out on the town. Although we officially did not leave the house the entire weekend, we had a great time watching the tots play together. On Sunday, we sent the dads out with the big kids to get some fresh air and wear them out a bit. Although I'm pretty sure the dads were more wiped than the kids:
And let me allay your fears that anyone left hungry. There were mountains of food throughout the weekend, especially at Game Time.
my newest specialty: 7-layer dip, with a mostly olive-free portion for our less enthusiastic Oleaceae fans
We hit the road mid-morning on Monday for the pilgrimage back home, finally pulling into our driveway at about 6:30 that night. We did a no-no and had G's carseat facing forward for the trip, but it was worth it for the freedom to let her see the DVD player, and the scenery going by. Overall she did marvelously in the car, and we were so glad to see all of our friends and their fabulous little munchkins.
Adorable! I give you major props for piling in the van and making the trek, you are brave! But it clearly was worth it, looks like you all had a blast:-)
it was so fun! that picture of the big kids in 2009 is great. miles had JUST woken up and little gg's tongue is out in both years' pictures :) too cute! we should set them up in the same order the nest time we get together. glad the trip home was, er, tolerable.
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