Sunday, January 10, 2010

Home Improvement, It Never Ends

I realize that this blog post is about 6 months delayed, but the last piece of one of the puzzles was just completed and it's finally post-worthy. We spent a lot of time doing some moving and shaking around the house this past summer, both inside and out.

Outside, we tore out a lot of the overgrown backyard garden and started over with new fabric, fresh mulch, and a blank canvas for spring. We also had to replace our fence which unfortunately wasn't quite a DIY gig. We had hoped not to have to deal with the old fence and leave it for someone else, but after a particularly cold and windy winter the boards were actually falling off and flapping in the wind. Hello, WT! I don't really have any 'after' shots, but imagine a nice new cedar fence that could double as advertising space to North Avenue to the right bidder. The old one was down in no more than 15 minutes and the new one was complete in about two days by a guy and his wife whom I'll just describe as a very handsome woman. Oh well, after seeing the work that it took we were happy to write the check on this one and just have it done.

Inside we decided it was time to move Genevieve from the lofty space upstairs into her own bedroom downstairs. It was super convenient to have her so close when she was itty bitty and nursing every few hours, but as she slept better it became clear that she needed a quiet space with a door that could close. So we set off to turn the former office into G's new room, and now that I've finally gotten around to building the cornice, it's finally complete.



So then we needed to move the office stuff upstairs into the loft space. I didn't want to put a regular desk up there so Matt set to work building a floating desk along with some very customized built ins. It's clean and functional, and my lovely chaise now has a better home. And perhaps one day I'll be able to sit on it long enough to read a book again.




kyle and robin said...

nice work! when does your hgtv show premiere?

Friedt Family said...

Wow!! Impressive! The next time you are in Rochester, stop by and we'll put you to work...ahem, I mean....stop by for a visit and if a hammer HAPPENS to be handy, well, you just never know...:-)