Kyle trimming the woods lest they scratch his car
Matt went up on Friday night with the baby and the Bansemars, while I had to work a big event at the dealership. It wasn't all bad:

Yeah that's right, that's me with Bart & Cherry Starr. Wearing a rhinestone Harley tank. Mmmhmmm, don't act like you aren't jealous.
I got up early on Saturday and hit the road to join the crew. Despite a gorgeous week before our trip, Saturday was freezing hence the bundled up kiddos. We managed to get a boat ride in nonetheless, but with three mobile tots it required major safety equipment. G was not amused.
Bundled but coordinated
Miles: What? I'm not going anywhere
Ethan: He's over there!!
Baby switcheroo
G: Can you guys believe that we have to wear these? This is crap!
Prego, prego, and prego
So that's why that handle is there
One thing to mention about our little get-togethers is that the boys pretty much instantly revert back to college and do things like play beer darts (a game introduced by friend Brian. Remind me to thank you for that, Brian.)
Kyle on the road to Beer Dart Tournament victory. Robin was so proud.
On the DL: Scott models his 2nd degree burn-wear. Don't play with sparklers, kids!
Beer Dart break: G "Ha! I smoosh all of you"
Pretty sure Miles is copping a feel here...better watch out for G's daddy!
I'm rocking out in my floatie! YEAH!!
The dreaded lip - get me outta here dad!
Keep her out of the cold lake and G's a happy little kitten
Cute and cozy in the frog towel
All the kids took a turn as captain. Nature, beware!
Why are we sitting together again?
Mama and a roasted marshmallow - life's good
Related? Not sure.
2003-2009: Four mortgages, four weddings, three kids and six pregnancies later
The fam
Best shot of the weekend: as her one-handed husband is currently on the DL, 7 months pregnant Anna politely declines Shawn's offer to help schlep everything to the car.
Note to Scott: this might be worth some sparklies once baby #2 arrives.
Looks like a great time was had by all...with the exception of the shot of the babies in the life jackets, oh the humanity! Oh, and also poor Miles and his trip into the cold lake but he looks to have survived just fine despite what his lip was saying:-) Anna, that last shot is frameable and is definitely going to come in handy in the future, you go girl!!
i think i have to stick up for Harms on this one - he said that he offered to carry a bunch of stuff to the car and i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
also, that picture of us from years ago makes us look like little babies. and in the caption for the picture from this year you forgot to add that i'm carrying an extra chin.
another sparkler incident after baby #2 arrives? i like that. bad burns or not changing diapers - easy call. and the shot of miles goosing g was great. we just needed a pic of maio's premature airplane celebration during beer darts.
Silly Scott, you misunderstood. I didn't mean sparklies as in fireworks, I meant the sparklies that rhyme with "schmiamonds". For Anna. Your wife. For doing all the dirty work while carrying your giant baby. Get it?
we are getting old. but we sure have cute kiddies!
I love the fact my husband would rather burn his hand again than buy me "schmiamonds". That is a clutch photo by the way. Yes, in all honesty...I was offered assistance by my hubbo. But it was a heck of lot easier doing it myself while he watched big E. And as for Shawn, I was on a mission. It would have been more work for me to unload everything to him instead of taking 5 more steps to the car. Oh and I look like I'm 10 in that old picture and I also look like I'm 400 lbs in this year's pic. Thanks for that. And one more thing...I stopped at holiday gas station store the other day and the clerk asked if I was having twins, then asked if I had an ultrasound yet to really verify that I was not having twins, then told me her friend is due in 2 days and she is much smaller than me! Wow, it will be a while before I give them my business again.
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