Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cottage with Friends, '09

Every year for the past 5 or 6 (with the exception of last year when I was too pregnant to be any kind of decent hostess) we have been able to invite our college friends to the cottage for a long weekend. This is the group that is spread out along Wisconsin and Minnesota so we can only get together a few times a year. Two years ago it was just the four couples, this year we've added 3 kids, and an additional 3 babies are in the ovens waiting to join the fun next year (prego exception: me. Hello margaritaville).

Kyle trimming the woods lest they scratch his car

Matt went up on Friday night with the baby and the Bansemars, while I had to work a big event at the dealership. It wasn't all bad:

Yeah that's right, that's me with Bart & Cherry Starr. Wearing a rhinestone Harley tank. Mmmhmmm, don't act like you aren't jealous.

I got up early on Saturday and hit the road to join the crew. Despite a gorgeous week before our trip, Saturday was freezing hence the bundled up kiddos. We managed to get a boat ride in nonetheless, but with three mobile tots it required major safety equipment. G was not amused.

Bundled but coordinated

Miles: What? I'm not going anywhere
Ethan: He's over there!!

Baby switcheroo

G: Can you guys believe that we have to wear these? This is crap!

Prego, prego, and prego

So that's why that handle is there

One thing to mention about our little get-togethers is that the boys pretty much instantly revert back to college and do things like play beer darts (a game introduced by friend Brian. Remind me to thank you for that, Brian.)

Kyle on the road to Beer Dart Tournament victory. Robin was so proud.

On the DL: Scott models his 2nd degree burn-wear. Don't play with sparklers, kids!

Beer Dart break: G "Ha! I smoosh all of you"

Pretty sure Miles is copping a feel here...better watch out for G's daddy!

Sunday was definitely more summer-like and Ethan and Miles felt inspired to take a dip in the lake. Genevieve was more interested in donning one of her fashionable swimsuits instead. Once in the water, poor Miles realized very quickly that he was NOT a fan of the chilly temp. Ethan made his northwoods brethren proud by faring better in the chilly waters.

I'm rocking out in my floatie! YEAH!!

The dreaded lip - get me outta here dad!

Keep her out of the cold lake and G's a happy little kitten

Cute and cozy in the frog towel

All the kids took a turn as captain. Nature, beware!

All in all we managed pretty well with 8 adults and 3 tots, and after all of the meals, snacks, and s'mores I'm pretty sure everyone left 5 pounds heavier. When the parent/kid ratio is 4:3 next year, well, the wildlife better head for the hills.

Why are we sitting together again?

Mama and a roasted marshmallow - life's good

Related? Not sure.

2003-2009: Four mortgages, four weddings, three kids and six pregnancies later

The fam

Best shot of the weekend: as her one-handed husband is currently on the DL, 7 months pregnant Anna politely declines Shawn's offer to help schlep everything to the car.
Note to Scott: this might be worth some sparklies once baby #2 arrives.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gonna Getcha!

10 Months

Our little girl hit the 10 month mark yesterday and there is officially no looking back in terms of her mobility. She can crawl and climb with the best of them (as evidenced by the races she and her friend Miles had this weekend...more on that to come) and she's pretty steady on her feet when we walk with her. Yikes! After weeks of painful gums and a few restless nights her top two teeth have finally popped through, for a total of 4. But watching her eat you would think she has a teeth to spare. If there's one thing this child excels at it's eating. For the sake of convenience we send baby food with her to day care but other than that she eats all table food and can easily take up to an hour for each meal. Not because she's pokey, but because she's a bottomless pit. She lives up to her new nickname of Crested Screamer and loves to make sure she's heard. She is becoming both more affectionate and also more attached to mom & dad, making day care drop off a little teary. The drama factor is definitely increasing when she's irritated, but the snuggles, hugs, and klunks (as we call her little forehead-to-forehead bangs) are absolutely priceless.

Here's Little Miss Busy (and a sneak peek at parts of her new room):

G loves her books

Spunky in pigtails

A sneaky laugh indicating she's up to no good

Suuuuuuuuuuper ladylike

Silly baby

I'm on a mission to get somewhere new

Carefully sitting down

Bingo! Now I'm off

This looks interesting

Now I'll climb this!

Hmm, bored again

Back down we go

Catch me if you can!

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Game & New Friends

After our cottage getaway we spent last week enjoying all of the Milwaukee classics, including G's first visit to Miller Park. Friday afternoon we packed up all of the necessary tailgaiting fixins (including the new items like diapers, bibs, and the Bumbo) and headed out to the Park. Genevieve loved watching all of the people while dad rustled up some burgers.

Hooray Brewers!

Daddy brought a daddy burger, a mama burger, and a baby burger

Baby, baseball, and brew. Matt is in heaven.

The tradition continues

Perhaps Squishie spotted a racing sausage

The game was another sell out and we were surround by about 40,000 of our closest friends. We weren't sure if the crowds and cheering would freak her out but the Crested Screamer did a pretty good job of keeping up with the section. She was totally flirting with everyone around us and at one point she was busting out the big two-toothed grins. I turned around to see who or what she was looking at and found these two guys -- who frankly were a little scary looking -- playing peek-a-boo with G and having a grand time doing it. I guess everyone really does love a baby.

During about the 5th inning she started to get tired so we headed out. Once outside we stretched our legs a bit, and were thrilled to death when one of those golf carts drove by and asked if we wanted a lift back to our car. Let's see, 2 minute ride on the golf cart or 10 minute walk with a 20-pound sack of flour? Yes, I shall accept your offer.

The Brewers are losing. I'm done cheering.

At this rate we would still be walking to the car today

Saturday was another perfect summer day so we set up the pool again and let Squishie go skinny-dipping. Racy!

Naked baby alert!

On Sunday we went to visit G's newest friend, Miss Rylie Wille. Rylie was born last Monday to proud parents are Erin & Dan. They did a great job on this little peanut. She is so adorable and so wee!

So itty bitty

A surprising reminder of how much they change in 9 short months

We can't wait for lots of playdates while Erin is on maternity leave (by "we" I mean me and Erin, and by "playdates" I mean "cocktail hour").