Our little G hit the 5 month mark this past Saturday. While she has changed a lot month over month, these last few weeks have seen a big shift in her going from an infant to more of a bouncing baby. She smiles a lot, seems to have replaced her fat little legs with springs, and is starting to laugh (which is extra funny since it kind of sounds like Beavis and Butthead). She keeps Matt and me extremely entertained with her talking, screeching, and babbling. And while she is still refusing to roll - I say refusing because I know she can do it and truly believe that she's just being lazy - all of the sudden she's sitting up on her own for long stretches of time. This happened seemingly overnight while Matt was out of town the other week. Big girl!
Sitting up like a pro
Staring at daddy (with smiles, of course)
Looking everywhere but the camera
Caught the smile on film!
Yo. 'Sup. Daycare is going well so far. G brings home little report cards every day so we know what she ate, when she slept, and how she played all day. Her teachers say she's one of the easiest babies which on the one hand makes me happy, but on the other I worry about her losing out on personal attention for not being a squeaky wheel. Matt keeps reminding me that we should feel lucky to have a baby who can entertain herself. Hmm, good point. Meanwhile you will find it hysterical to know that on her second day there, the teacher asked me if the baby was, "mixed or Italian" since she is so dark. Keep in mind that this teacher had, in fact, met Matt. I know there are at least 6 of you out there who are now laughing out loud at that.
Last weekend we went to a luncheon for the extended Maio family. While there were probably 45 people there, you can guess who the star of the show was. The location for said get together was Maggiano's Little Italy. Same 6 people laughing again?
Steve's GF Erin, Steve, Karl, G, Kathy, moi, and Matt
And in totally non-baby related stories...about two Wednesdays ago the doorbell rang around 6 p.m. Since it was a work-at-home day for me I wasn't exactly ready for my close-up, but I didn't look like I had just rolled out of bed. Or so I thought. It was a young guy selling windows and siding, and when I opened the door he said, "Hi, is your mom home?". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I felt like the Curious Case of Sarah Maio or something.
Anyway last but not least, here are a couple shots of our girl showing off her sitting up skills. With this skill down our little weed is ready for the next step: cereal and solids. Stay tuned!
Her first school project, definitely 'fridge bound
Hanging with big bro Ralphie. Yes that is drool that has saturated her shirt.

Ralphie quietly survives injustices of being a furry guy, getting ears and pouf pulled in all directions.
ralphie is such a good big fur brother, but I hate to tell him that the abuse has just begun!
I see that miss G has acquired the necessary flat bottom necessary for sitting. enjoy the "potted plant" stage. it will be gone before you know it! it's amazing how our little ones are changing...overnight.
love the new monthly pics. her "little" belly and headband are adorable, not to mention those eyelashes.
we miss you guys!
She is absolutely adorable!! That last picture of her laughing is priceless, I can "hear" her giggling through the screen:-)
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