Spring is here and the Maio three got to enjoy all that it brings: namely the annual Great Wolf getaway weekend with Grandma Heidi and Pop Pop. Uncle Grant and soon-to-be Auntie Sarah came too, which was great. It seems like maybe the best way to balance three little kids at a water park is with six adults.
ready to rumble! |
bathing beauty |
kieks is nooooooooooot sure about this |
dude is ready to get at it |
cuties! |
alright little love, ready to take a dip? |
evidently not. PS, how do babies have such core strength? |
love this loon |
going under water at the end of a slide: major success for this one |
bringing back the swimming lessons |
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd pooped |
bah ha ha, great landing! |
this is just pure lukas. seriously kid. |
when one has a big uncle, one uses him as a jungle gym |
we went on easter weekend, and the bunny knew we were there! |
oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd i love this baby |
braving the wave pool. seriously impressed by her confidence boost since last visit |
taking advantage of all the shenanigans |
photo courtesy of gg. little lady at a big table. |
group shot 2015 |
Meanwhile the weekends were packed with general silliness and - of course - the return of baseball. It was pleasantly un-freezing so we spent an unusual amount of time outside given the time of year. This mama says YES to fresh air.
someone loves her tubby time |
mom's beach hat. laser eyes. superman muscles. all the things. |
this sums gg up |
chillin and illin |
not quite as bold as little bro to let go of the tree |
took about 438 pictures...these are the two that were the closest to three smiles. once again, note luke... |
daddy sports April shorts |
let's get practicing, boy-o! |
welcome back, Orioles! |
the whole cheering squad |
and the littlest cheerleader |
MSOE now plays at the same field matt's old man league plays. a significant step up from the dirt piles we used to sit on to cheer on the raiders. |
we want a pitcher! |
And general goings on:
holding on tight to kee-wa |
stylish |
this afternoon was particularly warm and gorgeous. these two goofs had a ton of fun playing together in the wagon |
i can't say he's gentle with her, but gentle in his own way |
she loved every second of this |
i enrolled luke in a gymnastics class at the Y. it went really, really poorly. this was on the second to last of eight classes and was one of the few times he was (a) not clinging to my leg, (b) not screaming, or (c) going all jeckyl on me and running around VERY naughtily |
but look at that face |
yay, playground! |
so i'm in the kitchen one night around 9, exhausted from the day but still going making lunches, folding laundry, etc. when someone creeps up behind me and scares the bejesus out of me. guess who it was? me: are you supposed to be up? luke::grin:: |
working it out, like men do |
manages to get these on her own head every time. she may have inherited my long albatross wingspan |
photo credit: gg |
elm grove junior guild auction - derby theme |
diva |
riding around at the women's club. it's a short walk and the kids have been riding together very well, minus the one or two times that luke does not stop at a street. ohhhhhhhhhhhmyyyyyyyyyyyyygoooooooooooooooooddddddddd |
age 3 - could probably manage without training wheels but we'll leave them on another year until he brings it up |
love this dude |
And now for the wee lass. At ten months she's got four little toofies. Therapy is moving along although she hates it and I'm not particularly fond of the homework myself. This girl may not choose to roll or crawl but let me tell you, she gets where she wants to be. I have never seen a baby butt scoot as fast as she does, with one leg tucked under. The one leg on all of her pants is a stained, dirty mess. And as much as we're working on real mobility, there is something aDORable about a baby scooting herself toward you when she hears you come in the door.
In fact it was due to desired mobility that we had to do this month's shots in two sets. Here's our little wiggle worm:
just so happy |
cindy lou who! |
lots of waving |
and lots of peek a boo. |
hello old friend |
i give you the cold shoulder |
the three stooges |
bah ha ha, guess who rules the roost now? |
hi tiny toofers |
love this little smoosh |