The eldest Maio daughter, of the Elm Grove Maios, turned six last week. SIX! Time is flying and we were excited to celebrate the little lady's birthday with a party at Helium, a trampoline park. Imagine nine kids bouncing like they were on speed and laughing their little tushies off at jumping on trampolines, in foam pits, and anywhere in between (note: not a recommended Saturday afternoon stop if you're epileptic. The frenzy will send you to a bad place). GG invited a mix of her girlfriends from her old school, her new school, and her preschool. We are proud that she's had such a smooth transition from one place to another and making friends along the way.
So there was a party, there was pizza, there was cake, but what there wasn't was piles of gifts. This year I wrote a funny little poem asking the parents that if they chose to send a gift, to make it cash - 10 bucks, max. I know, a totally cringe-worthy request, hence (what I hope was) a lighthearted rhyme. GG was to split the cash in part for buying whatever her heart desired and the other part for donating to the charity of her choice. She's old enough to start having a broader perspective on the world and our house is too full of crap to make room for any more headband kits or Calico Critters. Once we added in the house-wide dollar hunt sponsored by Grandma Heidi and Pop Pop, the girl ended up with $120. Cha-
ching! So we went from two piles to three: one to give away, one to spend, one to save. The birthday girl got what she wanted, our house isn't overloaded with (additional) junk, and one mom even asked me if she can steal my little request for her own use. All in all it was a great night out celebrating Madame Genevieve!
who doesn't rock climb in a skort? |
almost all of the children in this picture were under our charge.please no broken bones. please no broken bones. |
let's burn off some energy, shall we?? |
there were three adults in addition to matt and me. pretty sure we needed all five of us. |
the party gang |
pushing daddy in was a big hit. daddy's socks were lost almost immediately. gross. |
may as well throw my kid in a pit of flu |
one giant leap for six-year-old-kind |
time to refuel |
these little ladies could pound some pizza |
good thing this guy was there to help |
we are so proud of our big girl! |
sunday birthday brunch. cousin logan is in there somewhere... |
We've said it before but truly, Genevieve is such a great big sister. When these kids are good they are
SO good (PS, the opposite is also true. Less frequent, but still true). She is absolutely buddies with
Luke and mommy 2.0 with Kiera. Lately GG has been wanting to help me
change Kiera's diapers and get her dressed. She loves holding and
carrying her, and showing and teaching the baby about new things. It's
precious and there's no doubt that GG has a small fortune in babysitting
money ahead of her.
birthday dinner - time for more cake! |
what other big sister would share with her vulture of a little brother? |
latest game: crash.i need to go to the chiropractor just looking at this |
i just realized she's wearing the same thing here as she did at her party. what can i say, the girl likes pink. |
teaching kiera about shapes and colors. so sweet. |
everyone, meet lauren. gg bought her with her birthday money along with a fairy tea set and a fairy barbie. for the give away gg will be buying $40 worth of dry goods and giving it to feeding america |
super riders. we've been pulled over by police and awarded ice cream coupons for wearing our helmets. elm grove = pleasantville |
they love riding their bikes in this big open lot |
Genevieve started 5K earlier this month. The night before her first day I was tucking her in and I said, "Mommy and Daddy are going to drive you to daycare tomorrow then you'll get on the bus, and we'll meet you at school." GG's response was to roll her eyes at me and sigh, "Ok but....why?" So I'd say she's comfortable being a Kindergartener. We went from private school to public this year (our district doesn't have 4K and we did not move to Elm Grove to pay tuition) and it has been a great experience. A lot of families did the same school move so she knows a lot of kids in her class and the other Kindergarten classes which is wonderful. K&K are retir/ed/ing and have volunteered to watch the kids on Thursdays. Which means they're in preschool/daycare just two days a week. Besides being a massive cost savings this is also a huge mommy savings to only shuffle three out the door twice a week (total gong show). Incidentally Genevieve's first day of K5 was also Luke's first day of 3K at preschool and Kiera's first day at daycare. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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so excited |
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he insisted on having a 'gween motorcytle' on his picture |
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these two, i swear |
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time for a new normal at the maio household! |
this boy is seriously in love with gg |
we surprised gg with a happy meal on her birthday. she literally had tears in her eyes she was so overwhelmed to see us. such a sensitive girl. ps - notice her boyfriend is sitting next to her |
k5 picture. let's not update that blue background folks. |
I asked GG about some of her favorites the other day. I'll try to remember to do the same with Lukie and Kieks as they get older. Here's the list
color: rainbow
food: pancakes
drink: cake milk (we had one cup at the State Fair eight weeks ago)
ice cream flavor: caramel collision
activity: going to the playground
TV show: Mickey Mouse
movie: Frozen
game: Memory
Daddy game: tickle monster
thing to do outside: ride my two-wheeler
thing to do inside: play with Kiera
song: Let it Go
book: The BFG
subject in school: writer's workshop
animal: cats and horses (both of which I'm severely allergic to, so sorry 'bout that kiddo)
place to go: the cottage and the Elm Grove pool
Other random notes for me to one day forget: GG has lost six teeth and has been able to tie her shoes for the better part of a year. The bike sans training wheels happened this summer, and she just love to climb trees. Genevieve has gained a lot of confidence in the past year and I actually credit Luke for a lot of that. I think his completely gregarious personality has rubbed off on her. Oh, and the day she turned six she sat down and read a whole Fancy Nancy book to me. So I guess that's happening now too. And her favorite subject in school is writing? Be still my beating heart.
Love you, Genevieve G! Happy birthday.
photo courtesy of luke |
monkey see monkey do |