Umm...well we're only six days into the New Year and I'm getting around to a new blog post, which these days seems like record time. New Year resolution: step up the posting, lady.
In the meantime let's rewind back to Thanksgiving. We were driving to Rochester for the long weekend and decided we would try this night driving thing so many other parents rave about. Matt worked a regular day Wednesday and we had dinner at home like normal. I had the Pilot ready to roll so once dinner was done the kids got pajama'd and off we went. Luke had not napped that day (one of his first displays of 2 year old sleep determination, lord help me) so he was out before we hit Waukesha. Genevieve was asleep around Madison and we made it to Roch without stopping once...just shy of 4 hours. I basically felt like we were the most BRILLIANT parents in the history of
ever for going with the night driving plan.
The thing I've decided about parenting over the years is that it's just a series of events where you, the adult, try to figure out how to outsmart your kid's genius maneuvers and make life easiest for everyone involved. But as soon as you've got a solution, BAM, the kid changes it up on you. This theory was proven once again as we pulled into my parent's driveway around 11 p.m., when my grand plan of just transporting them from carseat-to-bed disappeared into the cold, dark air. Like the temperature gauge on the next day's turkey, two little sets of eyes popped open and I realized that instead of being in a deep, satisfying sleep, they had both just taken four hour naps. We all managed to be asleep by about 1 in the morning. FOILED AGAIN.
We spent the next few days eating, playing, singing, going out and about, and not sleeping (seriously Luke. SERIOUSLY). We took the kids to the Festival of Trees, and Grandma Heidi had two special treats for GG: tickets to a local ballet production for just the two of them, and tickets for her, the kids, and me to Disney Live. They were totally mesmerized and the $10 lemonade with commemorative princess cup was a must-have.
Sunday we packed back up and tried to capture a nap-time respite. Alas I was migraine ridden but let me take a second to thank my friends at Target for their instant cold paks. I had an emergency one in my car - a traveling first aid kit after Luke decided to slice his forehead open this summer - which served its purpose beautifully. I recommend everyone get one.
GG showing off her custom Native American vest and headdress. Her self-given name: Fast Reindeer |
all of her native symbols, created with her 4th grade buddy, theresa |
Thanksgiving weekend turned out to be pretty mild but as we weren't in Wisco, our Christmas tree hunt would have to wait until the next weekend. When the high was 10 degrees. It was the fastest spin through the tree lot we've ever made and I was happy to tip the guy extra for strapping the thing to our car instead of waiting for Matt to do it. Later that weekend we got our first snowstorm of the season, which meant it was the most logical time for Matt to get on a ladder and on the roof to string the lights on the house. The end product was lovely. And the kids enjoyed supervising in the snow. Except for Luke, who declared more than once, "I don't lite da told. I DON'T LITE IT". This before asking to play baseball. At least when he goes to school in Arizona we'll have somewhere to visit during spring break.
sure. why not. |
dear harms family, does this ensemble look familiar??? |
beware the yellow snow |
ha! caught one smiling shot before the inevitable snowy face plant |
know what happens when you swing at a plastic tee in a 10 degree snowstorm? it turns into a million pieces that matt looks forward to running over with the lawnmower come spring |
The following week was GG's Christmas concert at school (which, since it's a Catholic school, is indeed called a Christmas concert). She looked so cute up on the stage and all the kids did a great job. Which was good to hear, as G practiced
Away In A Manger a.lot.
ready to go sing her socks off |
The next weekend we had a surprise for Geeg that I've been waiting for since the day I knew I was having a girl: her first performance of the Nutcracker. Yahoo! K&K came over to hang with the boy while we took our little lady to a pre-matinee brunch. It was so fun to treat her to this very big girl experience. I bought front loge seats so we were high enough for her to see the whole stage and I loved watching her face as all the characters came on. She liked Clara and Marie and the clowns best of all, and despised the Rat King. The Milwaukee Ballet does a great production with wonderfully talented dancers and great costumes. I look forward to now being on their solicitation list until the end of time.
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gigantor christmas tree in the intercontinental lobby |
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ladies who brunch |
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a successful trip indeed |
The next weekend and mere days before Christmas...we spent Saturday morning at the Elm Grove Junior Guild's annual Santa Brunch. I was waiting for Lukie to delight me with another Santa melt-down shot, but I was very pleasantly surprised to get these gems instead:
happy! |
rattling off their lists. luke turned on the tears only after he realized santa didn't have toys to give him at that exact second |
The next day Grandma Heidi & Pop Pop rolled into town for the holiday. Usually when they come into town GG sleeps on the floor in our room. But we told her that she was finally big enough to sleep in the twin in Luke's room...sibling sleepover, aka, let me get a night of sleep! I wasn't entirely sure how this would go but we woke up Christmas Eve morning to the following conversation from his room (imagine her bit without taking a breath):
G: LUKE! Today is Christmas Eve and that means that tonight Santa is coming and he's going down the chimney and he's bringing presents!
We died of cuteness.
Matt and I alternated working on Monday and we all spent Christmas Eve at church with K&K and devouring Chinese with all of the above plus Steve & Erin (note to self for next year: send a seat-scout to the church NO LATER than an hour before mass). The kids were being really great, playing hide and seek with each other and behaving very well. When G couldn't find L we hollered for him and heard a faint voice from behind the door of the wet bar yelling, "I make-a da poop!". Found him. After that G and Matt put reindeer food out front...a mix of dry oatmeal and glitter that we hoped wouldn't attract woodland creatures...and finally it was time to get ready for the Man in Red. Children, start your engines.
g's rudolph hat from school |
the platter for santa's treats |
carefully adding cookies |
putting it all in place |
and stealing one for himself |
I guess Lukie was really excited for Santa because he slept like poo that night. But G didn't rouse until about 7:30 so that was nice. It was time to head downstairs and get to unwrapping!
it was a very jake christmas for luke. a doll from big sis... |
and a jake costume from grandma kathy |
cozy |
As usual everyone was spoiled rotten. Favorites from Santa included the croc rocker and the hoppity balls for both kids. They hop around the house in a little parade and are generally adorable. Trucks, tractors, dolls, earrings, books...we were awash in fun new stuff. And that was before K&K came over with more stuff. By the end of the morning Luke was adeptly saying, "I want anoder peasant" over and over. Then we started eating and basically didn't stop until late in the evening. A shout out to brining the turkey, the only way to prep a bird in this household. GG was so Christmas'd out she fell asleep in my lap and Luke passed out for a while too.
two weeks later and still hopping |
Grandma Heidi and Pop Pop took off the next day and we spent the rest of break having play dates, going to kid-friendly places, and enjoying that the kids have generally been getting along really well. K&K bravely went where no grandparent has gone before and took both the kids on New Year's Eve so we could enjoy a long, leisurely dinner out (nothing says 8 years of love and devotion like a 2 lb lobster and not one but two desserts) and an uninterrupted night of sleep. Bliss!
And now that the magic of the season has come and gone, I sit here and write this as my children climb the walls. Where as life should have returned to normal today, we are indeed under the 'polar vortex' that is gripping the midwest and school was cancelled for today due to cold. Nope wait, add tomorrow to that list. That will make 19 days since my kid was in school. NINETEEN. I didn't get 19 days off until I actually was 19. I know most families with small kids employ the Elf on the Shelf for maximum behavior modification during the holiday season. I am going to invent the January version of that creature and parents around the world will sing my praises (I'll just know better than to listen to them when they recommend nighttime car trips).