Like everyone else practically around the world, we have been totally confined to the walls of our home as of late due to flipping freezing temps. We went from one of the hottest summers on record to a deep, mid-winter-style freeze that is making us all go a little batty. I try to find stuff for Genevieve to do which will drain her energy, and a new favorite activity is watching ballet on YouTube. She loves it. Loves watching it, loves copying it, loves going on her tiptoes, everything. She has recently demanded various wardrobe changes for her dancing time. Who knew her flower girl dress from Erin and Steve's wedding would see so much action? Our little Sugar Plum Fairy also will occasionally require her silver shoes, her purple sunglasses, or any combination thereof. So the other night we indoctrinated Daddy to a world with which he will soon be very familiar.
We've also been spending our ample inside time going to the library and reading tons and tons of books. Since she's had the alphabet down for almost a year I thought I might start working on spelling and sounding out words. All this concentrated letter time seems to be having an effect: