Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weekend with Grandma & Grandpa

Matt and I have been debating forever about whether or not to refinish the hardwood floors in our kitchen. We knew the look would be a huge improvement over the perma-dirt that existed, but the idea of the noise, the smell, and the dust - not to mention giving up use of the kitchen for a few days - didn't seem like a rockin' good time. So we decided that I would disappear for a few days and let him take care of it without interruption. Last Friday I came home from work, packed up the mom-mobile, picked up Geeg at daycare, and off she, Ralphie, and I went to MN for a long weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa (henceforth known as Pop Pop).

The trip there was great through about the Dells. We stopped off for dinner which now takes AN HOUR (let dog out. Change child. Hit the restroom with child in tow. Wash and/or disinfect own hands, child's hands, table. Wait for food. Wait for food to cool down. Wait for minuscule droplets of applesauce to enter child's mouth. Work hard to keep patience in check. Glance at watch. Shovel remaining applesauce and chicken fingers in mouth. Get back on the road). But she was in a good mood so life was fine. As we approached Tomah I saw menacing clouds in the distance. By the time we reached LaCrosse the rain and lightning was in effect, and by the time we crossed over to MN the wipers were on full blast. This, followed by 15 miles of one-lane-only traffic, was not my idea of a fun time. She was screaming, the dog was drooling all over our stuff in the back, and then my gas light came on. We pulled into the driveway around 9 and I have never been happier to get the hell out of a car.

Outside of that adventure, we had a great time! On Saturday we went with Grandma to Oxbow Park, which is a combination zoo/rescue for injured animals who cannot be released back into the wild. GG liked looking at all the big birds (and identified the bald eagle handily - thank you Eric Carle books), wild cats, and the buffalo. And there were the goats, which of course Grandma was enamored with. Plus the space is small enough that we could just let her run loose like a banshee, so that was fun too.

Apparently I have been shortsighted in not purchasing a big, heavy swing. She could have pushed this thing all day

Styling mama's hair. Perhaps to look like a buffalo?

We met up with Pop Pop for lunch and then home for a nap. Except the little cherub decided that, nah, she was going to choose to not nap that day. ADORABLE . So we played naked baby in the pool (aka the 'cool') and took rides in the wagon, which was a HUGE hit. It's the wagon Grant and I had as kids, so it's one of the big metal Radio Fliers. Shockingly challenging to pull uphill with a chunky monkey riding in the back. Anyway Genevieve was cashed out by about 7 - no nap and all - so she hit the hay and Grandma and I hit up the 30% off sale at Old Navy. Because my kid needs more clothes. Wait...what?

Sunday morning we ventured out for a playdate with the Kroenings. The weather was not great and misted while we were at the park, but the kids still had a good time. It was so funny to see the two super busy and outgoing toddlers turn into shy little bunnies around each other. They got over it though, and it was fun to catch up with Kyle and Robin, and of course get some snuggles in with baby Henry!

After the park we walked a block over to one of Pop Pop's gardens to harvest sugar snap peas. The home belongs to a Dr. friend of theirs who is always traveling, so my dad gets run of the garden and also use of the garage to store the Duster. Which makes me wonder when he ever drives the Duster, but I digress. We plucked off at least 6 or 7 Ziploc bags worth of juicy snaps, not to mention the few dozen that didn't even make it as far as the bag. Yum!


The stare-down

We know you parent-types think it's all cute that we're all cute and can't fathom why we don't just run into each other's arms, but no, we are not that excited to see each other at this very second and no, we will not adorably sit together on the slide. Thanks for asking.

Catching some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

Le jardin

After our busy morning Genevieve fell asleep in the car and mercifully stayed asleep as I hauled her to her crib. She was famished when she woke up a few hours later and Grandma decided to take the opportunity to give GG her first pedicure. She LOVED it.

Totally intrigued and loving it

Admiring her toes

Her newest 'surprised' face

And a little love for Ralphie, too

After a little more time outside Uncle Grant came home and went to play his drums in the basement. GG was really interested to see what the racket was, and we let her sit on the stool and play for herself. She was totally into it, which was both adorable and worrying. Also both adorable and worrying were the multiple trips she took with Pop Pop down the boulevard in the red wagon. They both had a grand old time and only gave me a minor stroke. No permanent damage.

Up, up...

And away!!!

We had breakfast with Grandma on Monday morning and then packed up to hit the road back home. GG was as good as she could have been, although I was totally prepared with a new Thomas DVD and other goodies at the ready. Another hour long stop and multiple construction delays later, we finally rolled into Tosa late-afternoon. We walked in to the kitchen and the floors looked awesome. Sure, there's a fine layer of dust covering most everything (the kind that gets in no matter how much plastic you tape up), but we're not on the parade of homes here and it'll get cleaned eventually.

Ralphie is super impressed

And now friends, a brief lesson in what happens when one attempts to climb a tunnel whilst wearing a tutu:

Going up...

...and coming down

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ahh, Walter's

As you faithful readers know, Matt recently had a milestone birthday. Since it was the big 3-0, I decided to give him a gift each day of his birthday week. Monday, Memorial Day, was a 6-pack of some crazy imported Belgian beer that he loves and he thought could only be found on tap at a cafe in the Village. Tuesday was a 6-pack of white athletic socks (don't laugh - what guy do you know who ever has too many of those?). Wednesday, his actual birthday, I sent subs, chips, and cookies to his work for all of his colleagues. Thursday was two new pairs of baseball socks (don't laugh - what baseball player do you know who ever has too many of those?). Friday was a Kindle. And Saturday we were going to 'go to dinner' with our friends Shawn and Melissa. Hi, spoiled much?

But instead of dinner, I planned a surprise party for him that night at his favorite local bar, Walter's.

It's significant that the party was at Walter's as it is the classic neighborhood bar which Matt loves, but as Wisconsin has yet to go smoke free (but will on July 5 - way to jump into the 21st century, Wisco!!) I have refused for 5 1/2 years to step foot in the joint.

So Saturday came and off he went to his baseball banquet for the Knights. He returned mid-afternoon and was greeted shortly thereafter by another surprise: Scott & Anna ditched the kiddies with Grandma and traveled from the hinterland for the weekend. Matt claims that their appearance set off a few alarms in his head, but I don't buy it. So the story was that we ladies were going to do some 'shopping' together first (read: set up for the par-tay) then meet the guys for dinner for the six of us.

Enter Shawn, whose job it was to get the guys to Walter's for a beer before dinner. He had to do some major stalling in order to give Karl & Kathy time to get themselves and GG to the party, but he played to his strengths, I guess you could say, and did a great job of holding Matt back.

Once they got there I think Matt was genuinely surprised. Even if he suspected something there is no way he would have thought I would do something at Walter's. Ha ha, gotcha.

Anna and Melissa helped me decorate the place with some classically tacky decor: streamers, balloons, etc, and some interesting additions. I had three huge photo collages created which chronicle Matt over the last 5 or 6 years. One was truly sweet and mostly shots of him and GG. But the other two were a little vicious, which is what he gets for never making a normal face in any photo, ever (see Exhibits A and B, below). Some were fun shots of him playing baseball, or dancing at weddings, and others were less flattering such as him with an entire pizza on his lap, or sitting on the couch with an exfoliating mask and giving me the bird. Ahh, good times.

The cuisine was...well, it was man-food. There were roasted potatoes, Italians with onions and peppers, chicken wings, and ribs. Makes me gag just to think about it, but it made the birthday boy happy as a clam. I built a cruller tower for a birthday cake, and had an open bar for our guests. There was one catch though: to get your drink for free, you had to show your official party badge:

I had these fetching pins made for the occasion. Thumbs Up For 30!

The cruller cake


Checking out the photo collages. Thank you, Snapfish

Hi, here's our family picture. In Walter's.

Someone had other plans for the lei

Annnnnnnnd we're happy

Steve: Hey baby, you're looking as good as that cruller cake
Erin: Puh-lease, you can take that line to go 'cause I'm here for the open bar

Exhibit A

GG taking the balloons for a walk. IN A BAR.

Foxy ladies

The Crew (missed you, Kroenings!!)

It's all in the family

Melissa: You should dunk your cruller
Scott: OK

Adorable. But my kid is still in a bar.

Steve: Who will love me if Erin is only here for the open bar?
Shawn: C'mere big guy


Exhibit B

Tie-ing one on. Ha!

Oh dear, it's getting late. They're toasting buttered crullers.

The unflappable Mel

Unfortunately, I know what these two were talking about.

At this moment, Karl's entire life is flashing before his eyes

Happy birthday honey. Welcome to 30 - we love ya!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

We were all looking forward to a long holiday weekend, hoping that the summer-like weather would hold out for our first visit to the cottage this season. Fortunately the stars aligned and it was perfect!

Matt coached his Dominican Knights into the playoffs on Saturday morning, and as soon as he got home we hopped into the familymobile and headed to Wautoma. The timing was perfecto...a one hour nap for Geeg plus an episode of "Letters!" and a little snack and ta-da, there we were.

Grandma and Grandpa Maio have already been up several times this season, and in their wisdom and spoilation (new word), they bought a new swing and slide for the wee one. It was fun to see GG take in the woods and the cottage again, of course not remembering it from last year. I especially loved the widening of the eyes when she discovered the wagon full of toys in the living room. She was in toddler heaven.

Look at me, everyone! I've got my own slide!


Q: How many Maios does it take to put up a swing?

A: Who cares as long as the princess is happy?

The weekend was filled with playtime and GG's new favorite activity, boat rides (or, in GG speak, boat RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE). Of course we had to wrestle her into a life jacket for each sea tour, but we convinced her that it was a chic accessory and she was totally into it.

Still squeezable cheeks

The first mates

Erin and I noticed that the life jacket grandpa chose reads "Ho Sports". Nice.

Ahoy, Cap'n!

Swimmers beware...Ho Sports is behind the wheel!

What does this button do?

Ready for the sunset cruise

It's been so warm this spring that the water was actually tepid enough to swim in. This is a complete 180 from last year, when I swam exactly zero times. So, after Memorial Day weekend, I have increased my lake swimming time 100% over last year. So far, so good.

We got GG in the water as well but she was not really feeling it. I think it was a combination of the slightly chilly water and the funny feeling of the sand underfoot. We brought her tot-sized water socks but I still think the sensation of the sand giving way as you walk was just a little too scary. I did carry her in far enough to get her wet which she initially freaked out about, but once Daddy started playing motorboat life was good. Finally we settled on standing in one place in the most shallow waters, playing with some toys and finding shells.

A little boat dancing before swimming

Watering Daddy

Mama, I'm tired

Amen, sister

We were also joined by Steve and Erin, which was super fun since we don't get to see them that often, much less for two straight days. Erin has lots of experience being an auntie to her sister's kids, so Geeg was thrilled to have another person to play with. Also we celebrated Matt's birthday on Sunday with a huge meal of ribs and cake for dessert.

Professional bubble blowers

Chillin with morning beverages

Who's walking who?

She once again thinks we're singing to her. Nevermind the fact that she tried to grab the candles while they were still lit...

And this is a pic from after we were home and I was unpacking. I heard this clip-clopping and Miss Thing came parading out of her room wearing her fashion heels from great Auntie Mare. Style, friends, style.

Alas the fun ended on Tuesday as the Knights lost in their last game of the season, and the last game of Matt's coaching career (until we enter the world of t-ball). But the good news is that he's still playing in the Old Man League, and as today is his 30th birthday, I'd say he finally qualifies. Go Orioles (and happy birthday, honey)!