G: Up peese
Me: Here, how about some milk?
G: Up peese
Me: Goldfish crackers, yummy!
Me: Baby Stella? Books? A Ball?
Ralphie: Too bad this trunk doesn't have a privacy screen
Matt: Too bad this front seat doesn't have a privacy screen
Me: (after round after round of Itsy Bitsy Spider/Patty Cake/ABC/Old Mac Donald) Ok, let's watch a video!
G: happy
So she watched "Baby Beethoven" a few times and all was right with the world. The Baby Einstein videos are very simple images (sock puppets, basic shapes and colors) and she would announce when things like the "puppy" or a "baby" were on the screen. Lovely. In the middle of the Beethoven video there is a giraffe sock puppet who plays the saxophone for a few seconds. Every single time that saxophone would appear, she would scream in horror. The giraffe would come in and out of other 'scenes' but when that sax came around she would just freak out. So, no Charlie Parker, got it.
Anyway outside of getting there and back, we had a great time in Roch. On Thursday we stuffed ourselves silly with the mandatory feast.
On Friday we did a little shopping (not crazy door buster stuff...I am not interested in standing in line for 45 minutes to save $10 on a pair of pants, hello Kohl's) and on Friday afternoon we headed to Owatonna to meet up with Scott, Anna, Ethan, and Addison. This was our first chance to meet little Addie and it was so fun to finally see this little doll. She was born on 9/26 so she's just about exactly where G was this time last year. It was crazy to think that our little bee was ever that small (or that still) and it was funny to think of Addison being as big and busy as G next year.
I have noticed now that when we take Genevieve out to eat we are usually seated far away from the regular (read: kid-free) customers. At first I was offended by this but then I got over it and realized that it meant I could relax if she was on a rant. Our hostess at the Timber Lodge apparently wasn't aware of this family-seating rule and put all 7 of us smack in the middle of the dining room. Ethan and Genevieve were really good for most of the meal, and totally cute with their little crayons and cups. But as soon as they were done eating we turned into "those people". Mmmhmmm, that's right, we had two hollering kids who were literally running around the restaurant with us chasing after them. They had a grand time and we would sort of hustle them away from other diners with a sheepish "sorry" and try to keep them occupied somewhere else. The night was topped off by Ethan walking by Genevieve and knocking her just a little off balance, and the drama immediately ensued. By this time we were in the empty lobby and practically out the door, but that brat hostess just stood there and gave me the fish eye. I probably would have done the same at 17 but I really wanted to say "just wait!". Ahh, good times. Anyway although dinner out for us now is a little different than it was a few years ago it was still fun to see the Harms' and meet their adorable new addition.
Plotting to take over Timber Lodge
Green bean, my friend?
Pops & tots
We spent Saturday hanging out and taking the dogs to the park for them to romp and burn off some steam. My parents have a new dog - a chocolate standard poodle called Greta - who Ralphie thought was the bee's knees. On Saturday night we stopped by the Kroening's to catch up a bit and let the kids play. G decided to be super shy and was glued to my or Matt's leg for most of the visit. Miles tried to help by offering her "puzzles" to play with and showing off his newest signs. What a clever little man he is! But she was more interested in eating his Chex mix. She did finally let Kyle hold her for about 2 minutes before we were off to meet my parents for dinner. Crazy to think that the next time we see the Kroenings, there will be 4 of them!
We went out to dinner again on Saturday and it was clear that this hostess had been taught the kid rule as we were seated in the 'outer' section of the restaurant with quick access to fun things like escalators, benches, and planters. Plus Grandpa volunteered to chase after Genevieve so Matt and I had a drink and enjoyed the 10 seconds of peace. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, babysitters.

We went out to dinner again on Saturday and it was clear that this hostess had been taught the kid rule as we were seated in the 'outer' section of the restaurant with quick access to fun things like escalators, benches, and planters. Plus Grandpa volunteered to chase after Genevieve so Matt and I had a drink and enjoyed the 10 seconds of peace. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, babysitters.
One, two, threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Found you, daddy!
Found you, daddy!
On Sunday we packed back up and hit the road. We finally got home around 5:30 and collapsed as soon as G went to bed. So, things I am thankful for this year: babysitters (live and electronic), working part time (guess who hasn't showered today?), and knowing that one day we will look back on this and laugh at our crazy family memories.