Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Lurkey Doo

Genevieve had a terrific week last week. First, Grandma Martin came to town on Monday to stay for the week. In true Grandma fashion, she arrived on the train and was loaded with cookie recipes to make during her stay. Genevieve was spoiled with new jammies, a new book, and tons of smooches. Unfortch, Grandpa Pete and Uncle Grant were both stuck working the holiday weekend so we'll have to wait until Christmas to see them.

On Thanksgiving Day we all went over to Grandma and Grandpa Maio's for the big feast. Genevieve was on best behavior, minus the no napping part (which lead to a very, very long night). She even had a special outfit to wear, courtesy of our friends auntie Erin and uncle Dan. I remember them bringing it over the first few days that Genevieve was home and thinking she would never be big enough to wear it. Ha! Anyway, she looked totally squeezeable and tres chic. Do they make those velvet swing coats in my size??

Fashionably holding up that giant mellon

No ensemble is complete without ruffle butt tights

Ooh I feel stylish!

Hello, gorgeous

Meanwhile my brother in law, Steve, has this incredibly ratty stuffed animal from childhood that he still hangs on to named Gor (full name: Gor Ill A. I'm not making this up). He and Matt make up these insane stories about Gor and his family (Yes, "make" not "made", sadly the tense choice is not an error), and once they get started I honest to god have to leave the room it's so ridiculous. And although their tete-a-tete over this nasty old thing makes me want to plot Gor's untimely disappearance, no one, not even I, can avoid getting a smile out of this:

It makes me want to laugh and cry all at once

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Two Months...and Growing

I can't believe it's already time for Thanksgiving, or that our tiny little baby is already two months old...and not so tiny anymore. Genevieve had her check up on Thursday and for anyone who was concerned about her growing or eating habits, you can stop worrying. She is 23" which is around the 75th percentile for height, and 12 lbs 12 oz which is...wait for it...the 93rd percentile for weight. Perhaps that all explains why our 8 week old currently sports 6-month size clothes.

This morning we had great parental fun, forcing her to take a hundred shots commemorating this moment (only to be followed by another storm of flash bulbs in about 4 weeks). And while they show off the big baby belly, unfortunately these shots don't really communicate the size of her thighs which are bigger than my forearm and so squeezeable you could die. Here's the little loaf!

Monday, November 17, 2008

G's European Adventure

In March of this year, when I was about 11 or 12 weeks pregnant, my mom and I went to Amsterdam to visit some friends from her days in the lab. One of them has two little rugrats of his own, and before we left he gave me a cute souvenir t-shirt for the baby. I put it on her today and good thing, as it's nearly too small. She wasn't in the best mood (and later spit up on it) but here are a few shots of Genevieve sporting her Holland shirt. Thanks Mervyn!!!

A little light reading

Her serious face

Does this t-shirt make me look fat? Or is it the constant eating?

The newest face: super sad!

Grandpa Karl loves to babysit

Showing off her big muscles

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Bit More Tummy Time

This time, under careful K9 supervision:

I see something giant and furry...

I keep picking my head up but I haven't gotten to the top yet

Everyone look at the camera

Hey, where did my buddy go?

And the reason that Sundays were invented:


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Working Up a Sweat

Genevieve did a lot of exercising yesterday. First she went on her very first trip to the polls to learn how to exercise her right to vote. It was a gorgeous day here so we had a lovely walk to and from our station. It was interesting to see how many moms and babies were there at 10:30 in the morning. Obviously though, Genevieve was the cutest little voter in the joint.

Who doesn't love a sticker?

When we got home it was time to keep the energy going for some - often dreaded - tummy time. I love how massive her little head looks in these pics. Then she decided to be done with working out for the day, as she found something a lot more interesting to do.

It's hard work keeping that giant melon up in the air

The perfect post-work out snack

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here are a few shots from Genevieve's first holiday: Halloween. The outfit was a gift from Scott & Anna back when our meatloaf was still hanging out in utero. It was a bit small but I stuffed her in there anyway (mother of the year, right?). Although we did not go trick-or-treating, I did daydream about future Halloweens when Matt and I can carry on that great parenting tradition of looting our kids' candy bags once they're asleep.

Unfortunately, this is the least scary thing we've seen from this angle

In other news, Genevieve had her first meal with dad this week. We were foolishly apprehensive about how she'd take the bottle. What were we thinking?

4 oz. down and she didn't stop there

And a few shots just for fun:

Trying to capture that smile on camera - no easy feat!

Hello, I'm adorable