Sunday, December 4, 2011

Already a Month Old

It's happened again: the first four weeks of life for our little baby have flown by.  I sat Mr. Lukas down last Friday to do his first of many picture sessions for which he was a total angel.  He had just come out of the bath (this kid loves to be a nakie) and was happy to be a squeaky clean little guy.  Here are a few of my faves, showing off the many faces of our little old man.

Surprising even himself with those big baby muscles

Almost captured the smile!
So sweet
Young Mr. Maio enjoys eating (shock), snuggling, filling his pants 20 seconds after getting a fresh diaper, and being adored by all who know him.  We're still on an on-demand feeding schedule but generally speaking he goes to bed around 9 and gets up at 1 and 5.  Last night he held out until 2 to eat so we *might* be making some headway there.  Not holding my breath.  He and his sister l.o.v.e. to conspire against me during the days G is at home and one will wake approximately 8 minutes after the other goes down.  Just long enough to trick me into thinking I might grab a nap.  Ha!  Sucker.  As you can see from the pics he is packing on the pounds and I can tell that his melon has grown too.  He's got little sausage rolls on the back of his head which are so soft and fuzzy with his sprout of hair, I just love it.  His eyes are still blue...I can't remember when G's turned but it seemed sooner than a month.  Of course it's most likely that he'll have brown eyes but there is a recessive blue-eyed gene on my side so perhaps he's the lucky recipient.  Lukas is truly full of funny faces and noises and will sometimes actually snort like a pig right before eating.  Hilarious!  We've gotten a couple of smiles out of him but he makes us work for them.  Having done this before it's nice to know that the grins that are saved just for Mommy and Daddy (and Sister!) are just around the corner.  

Genevieve is continuing to adjust well to having a new baby in the house.  Last week was the first time that she melted down with us about going to school or ballet because she wanted to "stay home with mommy", but she's all sugar toward Lukas so we'll deal with her pre-schooler moments.  She likes to assign us all roles, and the faves lately have Matt and me as "baby wah-wah" and her as mommy.  We try to use this to our advantage during the meltdowns...good times!!  Poor Ralphie knows he's been knocked down yet another peg and the other day I caught him writing a "wanted: better home" ad.  Can't really blame a poodle.   

As far as infants go,so far Lukas is a pretty chillaxed guy.  He's got his one month appointment on Wednesday so I'll update on height and weight then.  We are feeling incredibly fortunate to have this dude in our family and can't wait to watch our kiddos enjoy Christmas together (note to self: stock up on camcorder tape)!

12.7: at today's appointment Lukas was 22 inches and 11 lbs.  Although he weighed less than G at birth, he has already out-gained her (she was 10 lbs 7 oz at 1 month.  Thank you, blog).  I knew that would happen quickly but one month?  I shall start saving for "Groceries: The Teenage Years" pronto...


Friedt Family said...

What a sweetie:-) He looks like he's practicing his wave for the ladies in "casual" it:-)

kyle and robin said...

hi double chin cracks me up! can't wait to meet you sweet baby boy!!