Wednesday, May 20, 2009

8 Months

G hits the 8 month mark tomorrow so since I was home today I thought we'd get the monthly shots out of the way. Squish did not receive the photo-memo though and was in a totally weird mood. She absolutely would not sit up and instead would either slump down and wave her feet in the air or reach out for the camera.

Can't make me sit up

She may have a future in Cirque du Soleil

Ha ha, I do whatever I want

Other hobbies of this 8 month old include drooling, shoveling Gerber puffs and Cheerios into her mouth, jumping, drooling some more, and trying to kill mom & dad by method of not napping. To date we have two toothies and we continue on the march toward stuffing everything in the house into the mouth. She's getting precariously close to crawling so the baby-proofing has begun. I'm sure the holes we drill in the wall for the gates will only enhance the old world charm of the house.

It took about 493 shots to get these two of her actually sitting up and smiling. Thank god for digital cameras.

Give me the camera. No, wait, give me the rattle.

I'm coming to get you

Almost always en pointe

Hoping the warm weather sticks around so we can bust out all of the cute dresses in her considerable wardrobe...

...which includes stylish accessories like hats


kyle and robin said...

and so begins the "I do it when I want to do it" phase. I hear it lasts a l-o-n-g time.

on another note, LOVE the dress and the hat is adorable too. I think miss g might be walking before miles - look at her get right up to the furniture!

thanks for the birthday present! we will open it tomorrow :)

Scholar and Sailor said...

Watch out for this one! Cuuuuuuute.