Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Numbers Are In

G had her 6 month appointment today, complete with not one, not two, not three, but four evil shots. The humanity! Actually after the initial screams she calmed down really quickly. What a patient. She weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz, and 26.25 inches. Everything landed in the 75th percentile, including her head circumference. The pediatrician called her "very balanced".

We got home to find a package in the mail from Grandma Heidi...wraparound sunglasses in Squish size. They'll sure come in handy at the cottage this summer. Thank god the pink shades match the pink floral swimsuit from Grandma Kathy.

Which makes me wonder, are we creating a monster?


Scholar and Sailor said...

Maybe...but it will be a really cute pink monster with wild hair and fab sunglasses :)

kyle and robin said...

it's good to be balanced - have little miss g's footsies become balanced too?

can't wait to see the sunglasses - we'll have to make her a little mii with shades just like mama!