Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 Months in Springtime

We've been enjoying a ton of sunshine and some semi-warm weather here the last week or two. I don't have to wear my Nanook of the North jacket, and both Genevieve and Ralphie have finally gotten some long walks and trips to the dog park. Plus we have green things popping out of the dirt - a sure sign that our beloved Brewers are about to return to Miller Park. Who's with me?

Miss G has been extremely busy the last month learning all kinds of fun things. About 10 days ago she started babbling "dada" and not one day later it's all she can say. She uses it when she's excited, mad, or just keeping herself entertained. Matt turns all kinds of mush when she gets on a roll, which is often. Sometimes we think she alternates from "dada" to "die die". Hmm, we'll have to keep an eye on that.

We've also dived head-first into solid foods which is a source of some pretty entertaining moments. In short, G continues to prove that she's an eater. Not a single thing that's been put in front of her has been rejected, from cereal to squash, peas to peaches, and anything in between.

Squish loves squash

Sharing a banana in the mesh feeder (what a great invention). Ralphie and I polished off the rest.

G has also graduated to big girl baths in the tub. She loves bath time and kicks like fellow Wisconsinite Garrett Weber-Gale. She is fascinated by toys floating in the water but we have to keep a close watch because she likes to throw herself face-first toward the object of her desire.

The beloved red frog

Believe it or not the Squish has actually started to roll too. Miracle! She will only go from tummy to back and she usually has to get pretty iritated first, but we've seen her do it more than once so we know it wasn't an accident. I was dreading going in for her 6-month appointment and trying to explain to her pediatrician why my child didn't roll. Now I can save my excuses for some other parenting misstep.

Anyhoo yesterday was not only Squishie's half birthday but it was Grandma Maio's birthday so we spent the afternoon celebrating and, what else, eating! As per usual G was the center of attention as she played in her jumper and inhaled her peas and chicken & apples dinner. She even got some cake, although she seemed more interested in chewing her Grandma's finger. Or spoon. Or napkin. Or plate.

Great Grandma probably weighs about 8 pounds more than Genevieve

So here are the monthly glamour shots. I only had a few minutes so there are just a couple, however it's topped off with shots of her at breakfast this morning. You know I love that hair of hers, but it was in especially fine form today. Add to it the blackberries (thank you, mesh feeder) and you've got, as Matt says, one crazy looking baby.

Sporting her Cindy-Lou-Who-Do

Fellow ANTM fans will appreciate her 'fierce' look

Happiness is...


Friedt Family said...

LOVE the 'do!! I was sporting something similar myself this morning...minus the blackberries:-) She is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe she is 6 months old!! Time has flown by. Hope to see you guys again soon.