Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Go Brewers!

My husband may self destruct at any moment. It's been such an action-packed last two weeks, the adrenaline is causing him to have the shakes. It all started of course with the birth of Miss Genevieve, followed by the Brewers v. Cubs game on Sunday which he and Shawn were at (you know, the very last game of the season when they clinched the wild card?), and today just amps it up that much more as the Brewers play October ball for the first time since (say it with me now) 1982.

While dad was at the game on Sunday, Genevieve did her best to cheer on her team.

Sticking her tongue out at the Mets

Since the Crew won on Sunday, daddy-o has requested that she sport this ensemble again today. Fortunately I am now doing about 42 loads of laundry a day so that is no problem.

In other news, bath time has taken a major turn for the better. She seems darn near happy to be clean.

The curls may come through yet!

Genevieve and Ralphie are also becoming BFF's. He's very gentle with her and where the baby goes, he follows.

Snuggle buddies

And now I must excuse myself, as the wee meatloaf is beckoning. More to come soon!

1 comment:

kyle and robin said...

matt & sarah - genevieve is precious! thank you so much for the pictures. wish we could come today to see her...I can't wait to hold her! take care & enjoy every moment!!