Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome Home


It's pretty standard for c-sec patients to stay three to four nights before being sprung from the hospital. I had no intention of staying that long so I hustled out of bed and on my mandatory walks around the floor and after two nights we got the all-clear from my doc and the baby doc to hit the road. I am sore as hell and my feet look less like feet and more like a product from this company, but everything's easier when you're showering in your own bathroom. Tuesday night (our first home) was a bit on the rough side but that's pretty much exactly what we expected. Our furry son got to meet his little sister and he is totally enthralled with her. We're encouraging him to sniff everything and be around all the time and our little plan seems to be working.

Mom and Genevieve are all loaded up ready to go

Genevieve and her big poodle brother

Grandma Martin has been here all week which has been a huge help, especially when it comes to things like doggy walking and runs to Target. Yesterday she went on some kind of nesting rampage and scrubbed the floors in half the house. Normally I would be insulted and/or make fun of her for this weird insistence, but my floors are not likely to be scrubbed by moi anytime soon so who am I to complain?

I won't be so bold as to say that we're in a routine, but we are getting to know our little meatloaf's patterns of eating and sleeping. I realize it was only four days ago, but I already can't believe how much she has changed since being born. There are little surprises every day, for example I am loving the mid-night feedings. I'm totally exhausted, but this little thing is so sweet it makes those quiet times really memorable. Then there are times like this that make me want to burst into tears like some kind of bad Lifetime movie:

I know, killer, right?

Then there's today's Shot of the Day:

Love it!! I'm sure we'll have more after today's big adventure: first bath.


{Emily} said...

She is ADORABLE! That picture of her and Matt is so sweet. Talk about a reflection of yourself. I cannot wait to meet her!

Scholar and Sailor said...

Oh, I love all the pictures!

It looks like you're really enjoying your time as a new family. Hugs xoxox

Anonymous said...

What a beauty! That dark skin and (soon-to-be) brown, a little wave in her hair, perhaps signifying she was also lucky enough to get Mom's gorgeous curly locks. She's perfect.