Super Bowl XLXWhatever crept up on us in absolutely no time this year. Matt and I have been so insanely busy with work that it was hard for me to wrap my head around the
seven hour drive that was in our near future. So the last week of January arrived and I panicked and had sixteen lists in four different places of stuff to buy, stuff to cook, stuff to pack, and stuff to do right before we left so that missing my 'off' day the next week didn't cause havoc. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
K&K graciously took Ralphie for a doggy spa weekend, so I ditched work at about noon on Friday, hit up the grocery store, and packed the car. Our plan was to pick the kids up at 4 and hit the road right away. When Matt was still not home at 3:45 I chose to put my increasing anxiety to good use and changed all the sheets and vacuumed the house. Voila, checked 'don't go nuts next week' off the list.
So we finally grabbed the kids and settled in for a loooooooooooooooong ride. Luke must have had a rough day because he fell asleep pretty quickly. To our shock we managed to make it to the Dells before the kids melted down for dinner. To the Golden Arches we went, adding to my list the number of places I have changed my kids into their pajammies. It was muther loving freezing and poor little Luke made the most pathetic little whine when the wind hit him in the face. He fell back asleep without much fussing and G kept herself busy with books and coloring (although there was already a fair amount of 'I'm tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. I don't want to be in the car anymore'. Like nails on a chalkboard). We had to stop just north of Eau Claire for gas (holla, Blugolds!) which woke Luke up. At that point I was pretty sure it was going to be a scream fest for the rest of the trip, but they did both manage to fall asleep after just a few more miles on the road.
So we drove. And drove. And kept driving. You know you're close when the tree lines start to change. Finally we rolled in to the Harms Estate around 11 (or later? Can't even remember). And while my hope was that we would just wisk the kittens inside and snuggle them in their beds, the fact was that the -10 without windchill weather wasn't going to let that be an option. So we bundled them up and dragged the littles into the house, and managed to get them back down within probably half an hour. Not bad. But so worth it to finally see everyone again!!
The next morning we got up and believe it or not managed to get all 17 of us out the door by 11 a.m. Jeez, I can't even do that some mornings when it's just me and the kids. We took a brief tour of all the bowling alleys in the greater Duluth area and ended up at a place with good kiddie lanes, a few pizzas, and my new delight, a pitcher of hard cider. Yummy.
i'll just stand here and wait for my fingers to get crushed |
ready...aim... |
fire! |
ready to roll |
not sure whether she got a strike here or not, but let's just pretend she did |
northwoods visitors |
don't worry, i'm still over here |
99% not amused |
Before heading back to the Estate we stopped at this restaurant which was featured on Diners Drive Ins and Dives, the
Northern Waters Smokehaus. The guys ran in to grab some smoked fish to go while the moms and kids hung out in the warm cars. We snacked on it after the kids went to bed later that night and it.was.awesome. Hellllllllllllloooooooo trout, I love you.
While we had fun stuff to do, the fact is that with littles you still have to do all the normal scheduled stuff. So there was general playing chaos at most times during the weekend with a minor catastrophe about every half hour or so. Overall the kids did amazing with each other. Although it's funny to see how the gap between the sexes is growing. Miles, Henry, and Ethan were ready to make everything into a gun or sword, or to beat each other up, while GG, Alana, and Addie were all about the princess gear and dressing up. And man alive was there a lot of dressing up to be done. I'm willing to bet that Scott never in a million years imagined there would be that many tutus and pom poms in his home.
do not cross this man! |
Saturday night was bath night for everyone. 3 tubs-o-3? Pile in, friends!
hello, we are the littles (reece, elle, and lukie) |
yeah man, get that girl outta here |
meanwhile...sundaes for everyone! yahoo! |
next up! six little buns, all in a row |
feeding the pack |
mandatory group shots...moderate success |
how old is everyone? (notice elle working incredibly hard on that "1" motion!) |
luke continues to hate his pack and play with the red hot passion of a thousand suns. since we came straight from daycare we happened to have his nap mat. i mean, his new travel bed. he did ok on it, although we were awakened sunday morning by genevieve hollering that lukas was sitting on her head |
Sunday was of course Super Bowl day. The boys went out to their favorite Duluth greasy spoon and we ladies hung with the tots. By about 4 we were all whipping up our tasty delights and as per usual there was NO shortage of food. Or beer.
is this how this goes? |
luke and reece sitting on my lap, lukas decided that reece did not need his socks. then they got into a screetching match which was the CUTEST! |
here you go my friend |
Monday we repacked the car and braced ourselves for the ride home. Once again we stopped in EC for lunch and to let the kids burn off some steam at the mall. Let me assure you that in all the hours and all the years I spent working at the old Structure at the mall, never once did I imagine I'd be back and praising the gods for the kiddie play land.
The kids did well on the way back until about an hour away from home, at which point it was melt down city for both of them. What has two thumbs and can't gain weight or else she won't be able to fit between the two carseats in the back of the Pilot? This gal. Then to realize that the Cinderella video I packed was Blu Ray and not standard DVD? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Thank god for the 911 goldfish crackers which I was handing out like a junkie hitting the morphine button. But we made it and had an awesome weekend to remember. Hit me!